Does anyone know if it is nessesary to have objects stored into the 
database encoded as unicode that you had to compile the database with 
the following opions:


Matt Fair wrote:

> Hello,
> I did set the  encoding to UNICODE and it still does not show the blob 
> image.
> My error from the JIMI library is the following:
> Error getting remote image: Cannot find encoder for type: png
> com.sun.jimi.core.JimiException: Cannot find encoder for type: png
>        at com.sun.jimi.core.JimiWriter.<init>(
>        at com.sun.jimi.core.Jimi.putImage(
>        at org.opensimpx.client.gui.ClientGUI.setupGUI(
>        at org.opensimpx.client.gui.ClientGUI.<init>(
>        at org.opensimpx.client.gui.ClientGUI.main(
>        at org.opensimpx.client.login.Login.startClient(
>        at org.opensimpx.client.login.Login.main(
> So it does read the stream as a png.  I don't think this is a JIMI 
> library error, since I have created many images with the jimi library, 
> and it is very easy to use.  It must be something that I missed.
> I will look at it again and see what else I can do with the database.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you,
> Matt
> Pete Jewell wrote:
>> Matt Fair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been playing around with storing images with setBinaryStream
>>> and getBinaryStream for a couple of days now, but I am continually
>>> running into a problem.  I don't know if I am getting the data in the
>>> right format or not, but I am not able to get my image from the
>>> database.
>>> I have a client/server environment and when I get the image back from
>>> the database that is done on the server.  So I do not want to write
>>> the InputStream as a file, instead as an array of bytes which are sent
>>> back to the client.
>>> I recive no errors when putting the image into the database and
>>> getting the  image out of the database, where I get my error is when I
>>> try to generate the image from the array of bytes.
>> Did you create the database with the -E UNICODE option?  If not, I
>> think you might find that the data is being stored as 7 bit ascii.
>> Caught me out too. :-)
>> HTH
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