Joe Conway wrote:
Tom Lane wrote:
Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I like the idea in general, but maybe instead there should be a new overloaded version of the existing function names that accepts an additional bool argument. Without the argument, behavior would be as it is now; with it, you could specify the old or new behavior.

Um, maybe I'm confused about the context, but aren't we talking about C function names here? No overloading is possible in C ...

I was thinking in terms of overloaded SQL function names. For example, in addition to dblink_exec(text) and dblink_exec(text,text) we create dblink_exec(text,bool) and dblink_exec(text,text,bool).

Currently both SQL versions of dblink_exec are implemented by a single C level function. But yes, we'd need another C level function to support the new SQL functions because there would be no way to distinguish the 2 two-argument versions otherwise. (Actually, now I'm wondering if we could use a single C function for all four SQL versions -- between PG_NARGS() and get_fn_expr_argtype() we should be able to figure out how we were called, shouldn't we?)

The attached implements the new overloaded SQL functions as discussed above (i.e. start with existing argument combinations, add a new bool argument to each). I ended up with a single C function (by making use of number and type of the arguments) for each overloaded SQL function name.

I'll commit in a day or two if there are no objections.



Index: contrib/dblink/README.dblink
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/contrib/dblink/README.dblink,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -c -r1.9 README.dblink
*** contrib/dblink/README.dblink        4 Aug 2003 23:59:37 -0000       1.9
--- contrib/dblink/README.dblink        5 Mar 2004 05:55:45 -0000
*** 30,42 ****
- Version 0.6 (14 June, 2003):
-   Completely removed previously deprecated functions. Added ability
-   to create "named" persistent connections in addition to the single global
-   "unnamed" persistent connection.
-   Tested under Linux (Red Hat 9) and PostgreSQL 7.4devel.
  Release Notes:
    Version 0.6
      - functions deprecated in 0.5 have been removed
      - added ability to create "named" persistent connections
--- 30,40 ----
  Release Notes:
+   Version 0.7 (as of 25 Feb, 2004)
+     - Added new version of dblink, dblink_exec, dblink_open, dblink_close,
+       and, dblink_fetch -- allows ERROR on remote side of connection to
+       throw NOTICE locally instead of ERROR
    Version 0.6
      - functions deprecated in 0.5 have been removed
      - added ability to create "named" persistent connections
*** 85,91 ****
    You can use dblink.sql to create the functions in your database of choice, e.g.
!     psql -U postgres template1 < dblink.sql
    installs following functions into database template1:
--- 83,89 ----
    You can use dblink.sql to create the functions in your database of choice, e.g.
!     psql template1 < dblink.sql
    installs following functions into database template1:
*** 104,143 ****
!      dblink_open(text,text) RETURNS text
         - opens a cursor using unnamed connection already opened with
           dblink_connect() that will persist for duration of current backend
           or until it is closed
!      dblink_open(text,text,text) RETURNS text
         - opens a cursor using a named connection already opened with
           dblink_connect() that will persist for duration of current backend
           or until it is closed
!      dblink_fetch(text, int) RETURNS setof record
         - fetches data from an already opened cursor on the unnamed connection
!      dblink_fetch(text, text, int) RETURNS setof record
         - fetches data from an already opened cursor on a named connection
!      dblink_close(text) RETURNS text
         - closes a cursor on the unnamed connection
!      dblink_close(text,text) RETURNS text
         - closes a cursor on a named connection
!      dblink(text,text) RETURNS setof record
         - returns a set of results from remote SELECT query; the first argument
           is either a connection string, or the name of an already opened
           persistant connection
!      dblink(text) RETURNS setof record
         - returns a set of results from remote SELECT query, using the unnamed
           connection already opened with dblink_connect()
!      dblink_exec(text, text) RETURNS text
         - executes an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query remotely; the first argument
           is either a connection string, or the name of an already opened
           persistant connection
!      dblink_exec(text) RETURNS text
         - executes an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query remotely, using connection
           already opened with dblink_connect()
--- 102,141 ----
!      dblink_open(text,text [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS text
         - opens a cursor using unnamed connection already opened with
           dblink_connect() that will persist for duration of current backend
           or until it is closed
!      dblink_open(text,text,text [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS text
         - opens a cursor using a named connection already opened with
           dblink_connect() that will persist for duration of current backend
           or until it is closed
!      dblink_fetch(text, int [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS setof record
         - fetches data from an already opened cursor on the unnamed connection
!      dblink_fetch(text, text, int [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS setof record
         - fetches data from an already opened cursor on a named connection
!      dblink_close(text [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS text
         - closes a cursor on the unnamed connection
!      dblink_close(text,text [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS text
         - closes a cursor on a named connection
!      dblink(text,text [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS setof record
         - returns a set of results from remote SELECT query; the first argument
           is either a connection string, or the name of an already opened
           persistant connection
!      dblink(text [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS setof record
         - returns a set of results from remote SELECT query, using the unnamed
           connection already opened with dblink_connect()
!      dblink_exec(text, text [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS text
         - executes an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query remotely; the first argument
           is either a connection string, or the name of an already opened
           persistant connection
!      dblink_exec(text [, bool fail_on_error]) RETURNS text
         - executes an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query remotely, using connection
           already opened with dblink_connect()
*** 169,175 ****
-      doc/deprecated
  -- Joe Conway
--- 167,172 ----
Index: contrib/dblink/dblink.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/contrib/dblink/dblink.c,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -c -r1.30 dblink.c
*** contrib/dblink/dblink.c     24 Feb 2004 06:07:18 -0000      1.30
--- contrib/dblink/dblink.c     5 Mar 2004 05:55:46 -0000
*** 134,139 ****
--- 134,149 ----
                                         errmsg("%s", p2), \
                                         errdetail("%s", msg))); \
        } while (0)
+       do { \
+                       msg = pstrdup(PQerrorMessage(conn)); \
+                       if (res) \
+                               PQclear(res); \
+                       ereport(NOTICE, \
+                                       (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), \
+                                        errmsg("%s", p2), \
+                                        errdetail("%s", msg))); \
+       } while (0)
        do { \
                if(conname) \
*** 152,158 ****
                        if(rcon) \
                        { \
                                conn = rcon->con; \
-                               freeconn = false; \
                        } \
                        else \
                        { \
--- 162,167 ----
*** 167,172 ****
--- 176,182 ----
                                                         errmsg("could not establish 
connection"), \
                                                         errdetail("%s", msg))); \
                                } \
+                               freeconn = true; \
                        } \
        } while (0)
*** 276,293 ****
--- 286,327 ----
        char       *conname = NULL;
        StringInfo      str = makeStringInfo();
        remoteConn *rcon = NULL;
+       bool            fail = true;    /* default to backward compatible behavior */
        if (PG_NARGS() == 2)
+               /* text,text */
                curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
                sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
                conn = persistent_conn;
        else if (PG_NARGS() == 3)
+               /* might be text,text,text or text,text,bool */
+               if (get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, 2) == BOOLOID)
+               {
+                       curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+                       sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+                       fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);
+                       conn = persistent_conn;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       conname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+                       curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+                       sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2));
+               }
+               rcon = getConnectionByName(conname);
+               if (rcon)
+                       conn = rcon->con;
+       }
+       else if (PG_NARGS() == 4)
+       {
+               /* text,text,text,bool */
                conname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
                curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
                sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2));
+               fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(3);
                rcon = getConnectionByName(conname);
                if (rcon)
                        conn = rcon->con;
*** 304,316 ****
        appendStringInfo(str, "DECLARE %s CURSOR FOR %s", curname, sql);
        res = PQexec(conn, str->data);
!       if (!res ||
!               (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK &&
!                PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK))
!               DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
--- 338,356 ----
        appendStringInfo(str, "DECLARE %s CURSOR FOR %s", curname, sql);
        res = PQexec(conn, str->data);
!       if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
!       {
!               if (fail)
!                       DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
!               else
!               {
!                       DBLINK_RES_ERROR_AS_NOTICE("sql error");
!                       PQclear(res);
!                       PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(GET_TEXT("ERROR"));
!               }
!       }
*** 328,343 ****
--- 368,405 ----
        StringInfo      str = makeStringInfo();
        char       *msg;
        remoteConn *rcon = NULL;
+       bool            fail = true;    /* default to backward compatible behavior */
        if (PG_NARGS() == 1)
+               /* text */
                curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
                conn = persistent_conn;
        else if (PG_NARGS() == 2)
+               /* might be text,text or text,bool */
+               if (get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, 1) == BOOLOID)
+               {
+                       curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+                       fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1);
+                       conn = persistent_conn;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       conname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+                       curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+                       rcon = getConnectionByName(conname);
+                       if (rcon)
+                               conn = rcon->con;
+               }
+       }
+       if (PG_NARGS() == 3)
+       {
+               /* text,text,bool */
                conname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
                curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+               fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);
                rcon = getConnectionByName(conname);
                if (rcon)
                        conn = rcon->con;
*** 351,357 ****
        /* close the cursor */
        res = PQexec(conn, str->data);
        if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
!               DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
--- 413,428 ----
        /* close the cursor */
        res = PQexec(conn, str->data);
        if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
!       {
!               if (fail)
!                       DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
!               else
!               {
!                       DBLINK_RES_ERROR_AS_NOTICE("sql error");
!                       PQclear(res);
!                       PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(GET_TEXT("ERROR"));
!               }
!       }
*** 395,413 ****
                char       *curname = NULL;
                int                     howmany = 0;
                ReturnSetInfo *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
!               if (PG_NARGS() == 3)
                        conname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
                        curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
                        howmany = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
                        rcon = getConnectionByName(conname);
                        if (rcon)
                                conn = rcon->con;
                else if (PG_NARGS() == 2)
                        curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
                        howmany = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
                        conn = persistent_conn;
--- 466,509 ----
                char       *curname = NULL;
                int                     howmany = 0;
                ReturnSetInfo *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
+               bool            fail = true;    /* default to backward compatible */
!               if (PG_NARGS() == 4)
+                       /* text,text,int,bool */
                        conname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
                        curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
                        howmany = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
+                       fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(3);
                        rcon = getConnectionByName(conname);
                        if (rcon)
                                conn = rcon->con;
+               else if (PG_NARGS() == 3)
+               {
+                       /* text,text,int or text,int,bool */
+                       if (get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, 2) == BOOLOID)
+                       {
+                               curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+                               howmany = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
+                               fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);
+                               conn = persistent_conn;
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               conname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+                               curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+                               howmany = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
+                               rcon = getConnectionByName(conname);
+                               if (rcon)
+                                       conn = rcon->con;
+                       }
+               }
                else if (PG_NARGS() == 2)
+                       /* text,int */
                        curname = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
                        howmany = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
                        conn = persistent_conn;
*** 431,437 ****
                if (!res ||
                        (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK &&
                         PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK))
!                       DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
                else if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
                        /* cursor does not exist - closed already or bad name */
--- 527,543 ----
                if (!res ||
                        (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK &&
                         PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK))
!               {
!                       if (fail)
!                               DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
!                       else
!                       {
!                               if (res)
!                                       PQclear(res);
!                               DBLINK_RES_ERROR_AS_NOTICE("sql error");
!                               SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
!                       }
!               }
                else if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
                        /* cursor does not exist - closed already or bad name */
*** 448,454 ****
--- 554,564 ----
                /* fast track when no results */
                if (funcctx->max_calls < 1)
+               {
+                       if (res)
+                               PQclear(res);
+               }
                /* check typtype to see if we have a predetermined return type */
                functypeid = get_func_rettype(funcid);
*** 546,552 ****
        bool            is_sql_cmd = false;
        char       *sql_cmd_status = NULL;
        MemoryContext oldcontext;
!       bool            freeconn = true;
        /* stuff done only on the first call of the function */
        if (SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL())
--- 656,662 ----
        bool            is_sql_cmd = false;
        char       *sql_cmd_status = NULL;
        MemoryContext oldcontext;
!       bool            freeconn = false;
        /* stuff done only on the first call of the function */
        if (SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL())
*** 560,565 ****
--- 670,676 ----
                char       *conname = NULL;
                remoteConn *rcon = NULL;
                ReturnSetInfo *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
+               bool            fail = true;    /* default to backward compatible */
                /* create a function context for cross-call persistence */
                funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
*** 570,582 ****
                oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);
!               if (PG_NARGS() == 2)
                        sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
                else if (PG_NARGS() == 1)
                        conn = persistent_conn;
                        sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
--- 681,711 ----
                oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);
!               if (PG_NARGS() == 3)
+                       /* text,text,bool */
                        sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+                       fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);
+               }
+               else if (PG_NARGS() == 2)
+               {
+                       /* text,text or text,bool */
+                       if (get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, 1) == BOOLOID)
+                       {
+                               conn = persistent_conn;
+                               sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+                               fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1);
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               DBLINK_GET_CONN;
+                               sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+                       }
                else if (PG_NARGS() == 1)
+                       /* text */
                        conn = persistent_conn;
                        sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
*** 588,595 ****
                res = PQexec(conn, sql);
!               if (!res || (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && 
PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK))
!                       DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
                if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
--- 717,738 ----
                res = PQexec(conn, sql);
!               if (!res ||
!                       (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK &&
!                        PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK))
!               {
!                       if (fail)
!                               DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
!                       else
!                       {
!                               if (res)
!                                       PQclear(res);
!                               if (freeconn)
!                                       PQfinish(conn);
!                               DBLINK_RES_ERROR_AS_NOTICE("sql error");
!                               SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
!                       }
!               }
                if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
*** 614,625 ****
                funcctx->user_fctx = res;
                /* if needed, close the connection to the database and cleanup */
!               if (freeconn && PG_NARGS() == 2)
                /* fast track when no results */
                if (funcctx->max_calls < 1)
                /* check typtype to see if we have a predetermined return type */
                functypeid = get_func_rettype(funcid);
--- 757,772 ----
                funcctx->user_fctx = res;
                /* if needed, close the connection to the database and cleanup */
!               if (freeconn)
                /* fast track when no results */
                if (funcctx->max_calls < 1)
+               {
+                       if (res)
+                               PQclear(res);
+               }
                /* check typtype to see if we have a predetermined return type */
                functypeid = get_func_rettype(funcid);
*** 727,741 ****
        char       *sql = NULL;
        char       *conname = NULL;
        remoteConn *rcon = NULL;
!       bool            freeconn = true;
!       if (PG_NARGS() == 2)
                sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
        else if (PG_NARGS() == 1)
                conn = persistent_conn;
                sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
--- 874,907 ----
        char       *sql = NULL;
        char       *conname = NULL;
        remoteConn *rcon = NULL;
!       bool            freeconn = false;
!       bool            fail = true;    /* default to backward compatible behavior */
!       if (PG_NARGS() == 3)
+               /* must be text,text,bool */
                sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+               fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);
+       }
+       else if (PG_NARGS() == 2)
+       {
+               /* might be text,text or text,bool */
+               if (get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, 1) == BOOLOID)
+               {
+                       conn = persistent_conn;
+                       sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+                       fail = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       DBLINK_GET_CONN;
+                       sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+               }
        else if (PG_NARGS() == 1)
+               /* must be single text argument */
                conn = persistent_conn;
                sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
*** 750,758 ****
        if (!res ||
                (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK &&
                 PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK))
!               DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
!       if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
                /* need a tuple descriptor representing one TEXT column */
                tupdesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(1, false);
--- 916,940 ----
        if (!res ||
                (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK &&
                 PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK))
!       {
!               if (fail)
!                       DBLINK_RES_ERROR("sql error");
!               else
!                       DBLINK_RES_ERROR_AS_NOTICE("sql error");
!               /* need a tuple descriptor representing one TEXT column */
!               tupdesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(1, false);
!               TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 1, "status",
!                                                  TEXTOID, -1, 0, false);
!               /*
!                * and save a copy of the command status string to return as our
!                * result tuple
!                */
!               sql_cmd_status = GET_TEXT("ERROR");
!       }
!       else if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
                /* need a tuple descriptor representing one TEXT column */
                tupdesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(1, false);
*** 773,779 ****
        /* if needed, close the connection to the database and cleanup */
!       if (freeconn && fcinfo->nargs == 2)
--- 955,961 ----
        /* if needed, close the connection to the database and cleanup */
!       if (freeconn)
Index: contrib/dblink/
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/contrib/dblink/,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -r1.8
*** contrib/dblink/        25 Jun 2003 01:10:15 -0000      1.8
--- contrib/dblink/        5 Mar 2004 05:55:46 -0000
*** 1,94 ****
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_connect (text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_connect'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_connect (text, text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_connect'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_disconnect ()
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_disconnect'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_disconnect (text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_disconnect'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_open'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text,text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_open'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,int)
  RETURNS setof record
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_fetch'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,text,int)
  RETURNS setof record
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_fetch'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_close (text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_close'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_close (text,text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_close'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink (text,text)
  RETURNS setof record
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_record'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  RETURNS setof record
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_record'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_exec (text,text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_exec'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_exec (text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_exec'
! LANGUAGE 'c' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE TYPE dblink_pkey_results AS (position int4, colname text);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_get_pkey (text)
  RETURNS setof dblink_pkey_results
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_get_pkey'
! LANGUAGE 'c' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_insert (text, int2vector, int4, _text, 
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_build_sql_insert'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_delete (text, int2vector, int4, _text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_build_sql_delete'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_update (text, int2vector, int4, _text, 
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_build_sql_update'
! LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_current_query ()
  RETURNS text
--- 1,144 ----
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_connect (text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_connect'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_connect (text, text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_connect'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_disconnect ()
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_disconnect'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_disconnect (text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_disconnect'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_open'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text,bool)
! RETURNS text
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_open'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text,text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_open'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text,text,bool)
! RETURNS text
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_open'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,int)
  RETURNS setof record
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_fetch'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,int,bool)
! RETURNS setof record
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_fetch'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,text,int)
  RETURNS setof record
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_fetch'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,text,int,bool)
! RETURNS setof record
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_fetch'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_close (text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_close'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_close (text,bool)
! RETURNS text
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_close'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_close (text,text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_close'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_close (text,text,bool)
! RETURNS text
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_close'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink (text,text)
  RETURNS setof record
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_record'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink (text,text,bool)
! RETURNS setof record
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_record'
  RETURNS setof record
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_record'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink (text,bool)
! RETURNS setof record
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_record'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_exec (text,text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_exec'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_exec (text,text,bool)
! RETURNS text
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_exec'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_exec (text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_exec'
! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_exec (text,bool)
! RETURNS text
! AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_exec'
  CREATE TYPE dblink_pkey_results AS (position int4, colname text);
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_get_pkey (text)
  RETURNS setof dblink_pkey_results
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_get_pkey'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_insert (text, int2vector, int4, _text, 
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_build_sql_insert'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_delete (text, int2vector, int4, _text)
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_build_sql_delete'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_update (text, int2vector, int4, _text, 
  RETURNS text
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_build_sql_update'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_current_query ()
  RETURNS text
Index: contrib/dblink/doc/cursor
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/contrib/dblink/doc/cursor,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 cursor
*** contrib/dblink/doc/cursor   25 Jun 2003 01:10:15 -0000      1.2
--- contrib/dblink/doc/cursor   5 Mar 2004 05:55:46 -0000
*** 5,12 ****
! dblink_open(text cursorname, text sql)
! dblink_open(text connname, text cursorname, text sql)
--- 5,12 ----
! dblink_open(text cursorname, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
! dblink_open(text connname, text cursorname, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
*** 23,28 ****
--- 23,35 ----
      sql statement that you wish to execute on the remote host
      e.g. "select * from pg_class"
+   fail_on_error
+     If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
+     of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
+     remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and the return value is set
+     to 'ERROR'.
    Returns status = "OK"
*** 56,63 ****
! dblink_fetch(text cursorname, int32 howmany)
! dblink_fetch(text connname, text cursorname, int32 howmany)
--- 63,70 ----
! dblink_fetch(text cursorname, int32 howmany [, bool fail_on_error])
! dblink_fetch(text connname, text cursorname, int32 howmany [, bool fail_on_error])
*** 75,80 ****
--- 82,93 ----
      starting at the current cursor position, moving forward. Once the cursor
      has positioned to the end, no more rows are produced.
+   fail_on_error
+     If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
+     of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
+     remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and no rows are returned.
    Returns setof record
*** 132,139 ****
! dblink_close(text cursorname)
! dblink_close(text connname, text cursorname)
--- 145,152 ----
! dblink_close(text cursorname [, bool fail_on_error])
! dblink_close(text connname, text cursorname [, bool fail_on_error])
*** 144,149 ****
--- 157,169 ----
      a reference name for the cursor
+   fail_on_error
+     If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
+     of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
+     remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and the return value is set
+     to 'ERROR'.
Index: contrib/dblink/doc/execute
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/contrib/dblink/doc/execute,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 execute
*** contrib/dblink/doc/execute  25 Jun 2003 01:10:15 -0000      1.2
--- contrib/dblink/doc/execute  5 Mar 2004 05:55:46 -0000
*** 5,18 ****
! dblink_exec(text connstr, text sql)
! dblink_exec(text connname, text sql)
! dblink_exec(text sql)
      If two arguments are present, the first is first assumed to be a specific
      connection name to use. If the name is not found, the argument is then
      assumed to be a valid connection string, of standard libpq format,
--- 5,19 ----
! dblink_exec(text connstr, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
! dblink_exec(text connname, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
! dblink_exec(text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
      If two arguments are present, the first is first assumed to be a specific
      connection name to use. If the name is not found, the argument is then
      assumed to be a valid connection string, of standard libpq format,
*** 25,33 ****
      sql statement that you wish to execute on the remote host, e.g.:
         insert into foo values(0,'a','{"a0","b0","c0"}');
!   Returns status of the command
    1) dblink_open starts an explicit transaction. If, after using dblink_open,
--- 26,41 ----
      sql statement that you wish to execute on the remote host, e.g.:
         insert into foo values(0,'a','{"a0","b0","c0"}');
+   fail_on_error
+     If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
+     of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
+     remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and the return value is set
+     to 'ERROR'.
!   Returns status of the command, or 'ERROR' if the command failed.
    1) dblink_open starts an explicit transaction. If, after using dblink_open,
*** 59,62 ****
--- 67,79 ----
   INSERT 6432584 1
+ (1 row)
+ select dblink_exec('myconn','insert into pg_class values (''foo'')',false);
+ NOTICE:  sql error
+ DETAIL:  ERROR:  null value in column "relnamespace" violates not-null constraint
+  dblink_exec
+ -------------
  (1 row)
Index: contrib/dblink/doc/query
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/contrib/dblink/doc/query,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 query
*** contrib/dblink/doc/query    25 Jun 2003 01:10:15 -0000      1.2
--- contrib/dblink/doc/query    5 Mar 2004 05:55:46 -0000
*** 5,13 ****
! dblink(text connstr, text sql)
! dblink(text connname, text sql)
! dblink(text sql)
--- 5,13 ----
! dblink(text connstr, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
! dblink(text connname, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
! dblink(text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,35 ----
      sql statement that you wish to execute on the remote host
      e.g. "select * from pg_class"
+   fail_on_error
+     If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
+     of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
+     remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and no rows are returned.
Index: contrib/dblink/expected/dblink.out
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/contrib/dblink/expected/dblink.out,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -c -r1.12 dblink.out
*** contrib/dblink/expected/dblink.out  28 Nov 2003 05:03:01 -0000      1.12
--- contrib/dblink/expected/dblink.out  5 Mar 2004 05:55:46 -0000
*** 128,133 ****
--- 128,150 ----
   9 | j | {a9,b9,c9}
  (2 rows)
+ -- open a cursor with bad SQL and fail_on_error set to false
+ SELECT dblink_open('rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foobar',false);
+ NOTICE:  sql error
+ DETAIL:  ERROR:  relation "foobar" does not exist
+  dblink_open 
+ -------------
+ (1 row)
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
+  dblink_exec 
+ -------------
+ (1 row)
  -- open a cursor
  SELECT dblink_open('rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
*** 135,140 ****
--- 152,171 ----
  (1 row)
+ -- close the cursor
+ SELECT dblink_close('rmt_foo_cursor',false);
+  dblink_close 
+ --------------
+  OK
+ (1 row)
+ -- open the cursor again
+ SELECT dblink_open('rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
+  dblink_open 
+ -------------
+  OK
+ (1 row)
  -- fetch some data
  FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
*** 165,175 ****
   9 | j | {a9,b9,c9}
  (2 rows)
! -- close the cursor
! SELECT dblink_close('rmt_foo_cursor');
!  OK
  (1 row)
  -- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
--- 196,233 ----
   9 | j | {a9,b9,c9}
  (2 rows)
! -- intentionally botch a fetch
! FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foobar_cursor',4,false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
! NOTICE:  sql error
! DETAIL:  ERROR:  cursor "rmt_foobar_cursor" does not exist
!  a | b | c 
! ---+---+---
! (0 rows)
! -- reset remote transaction state
! SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
!  dblink_exec 
! -------------
! (1 row)
! -- close the wrong cursor
! SELECT dblink_close('rmt_foobar_cursor',false);
! NOTICE:  sql error
! DETAIL:  ERROR:  cursor "rmt_foobar_cursor" does not exist
! (1 row)
! -- reset remote transaction state
! SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
!  dblink_exec 
! -------------
  (1 row)
  -- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
*** 178,183 ****
--- 236,251 ----
  ERROR:  sql error
  DETAIL:  ERROR:  cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" does not exist
+ -- this time, 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' as a notice
+ FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4,false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
+ NOTICE:  sql error
+ DETAIL:  ERROR:  cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" does not exist
+  a | b | c 
+ ---+---+---
+ (0 rows)
  -- close the persistent connection
  SELECT dblink_disconnect();
*** 232,237 ****
--- 300,322 ----
   11 | l | {a11,b11,c11}
  (12 rows)
+ -- bad remote select
+ FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foobar',false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
+ NOTICE:  sql error
+ DETAIL:  ERROR:  relation "foobar" does not exist
+  a | b | c 
+ ---+---+---
+ (0 rows)
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
+  dblink_exec 
+ -------------
+ (1 row)
  -- change some data
  SELECT dblink_exec('UPDATE foo SET f3[2] = ''b99'' WHERE f1 = 11');
*** 248,253 ****
--- 333,355 ----
   11 | l | {a11,b99,c11}
  (1 row)
+ -- botch a change to some other data
+ SELECT dblink_exec('UPDATE foobar SET f3[2] = ''b99'' WHERE f1 = 11',false);
+ NOTICE:  sql error
+ DETAIL:  ERROR:  relation "foobar" does not exist
+  dblink_exec 
+ -------------
+ (1 row)
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
+  dblink_exec 
+ -------------
+ (1 row)
  -- delete some data
  SELECT dblink_exec('DELETE FROM foo WHERE f1 = 11');
*** 298,303 ****
--- 400,423 ----
   10 | k | {a10,b10,c10}
  (3 rows)
+ -- use the named persistent connection, but get it wrong
+ FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foobar',false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
+ WHERE t.a > 7;
+ NOTICE:  sql error
+ DETAIL:  ERROR:  relation "foobar" does not exist
+  a | b | c 
+ ---+---+---
+ (0 rows)
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','ABORT');
+  dblink_exec 
+ -------------
+ (1 row)
  -- create a second named persistent connection
  -- should error with "duplicate connection name"
  SELECT dblink_connect('myconn','dbname=regression');
*** 327,332 ****
--- 447,469 ----
  (1 row)
+ -- open a cursor incorrectly
+ SELECT dblink_open('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foobar',false);
+ NOTICE:  sql error
+ DETAIL:  ERROR:  relation "foobar" does not exist
+  dblink_open 
+ -------------
+ (1 row)
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','ABORT');
+  dblink_exec 
+ -------------
+ (1 row)
  -- open a cursor
  SELECT dblink_open('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
*** 365,375 ****
   10 | k | {a10,b10,c10}
  (3 rows)
! -- close the cursor
! SELECT dblink_close('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor');
!  dblink_close 
! --------------
!  OK
  (1 row)
  -- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
--- 502,522 ----
   10 | k | {a10,b10,c10}
  (3 rows)
! -- fetch some data incorrectly
! FROM dblink_fetch('myconn','rmt_foobar_cursor',4,false) AS t(a int, b text, c 
! NOTICE:  sql error
! DETAIL:  ERROR:  cursor "rmt_foobar_cursor" does not exist
!  a | b | c 
! ---+---+---
! (0 rows)
! -- reset remote transaction state
! SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','ABORT');
!  dblink_exec 
! -------------
  (1 row)
  -- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
Index: contrib/dblink/sql/dblink.sql
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/contrib/dblink/sql/dblink.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -c -r1.11 dblink.sql
*** contrib/dblink/sql/dblink.sql       28 Nov 2003 05:03:02 -0000      1.11
--- contrib/dblink/sql/dblink.sql       5 Mar 2004 05:55:46 -0000
*** 81,89 ****
--- 81,101 ----
  FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
  WHERE t.a > 7;
+ -- open a cursor with bad SQL and fail_on_error set to false
+ SELECT dblink_open('rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foobar',false);
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
  -- open a cursor
  SELECT dblink_open('rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
+ -- close the cursor
+ SELECT dblink_close('rmt_foo_cursor',false);
+ -- open the cursor again
+ SELECT dblink_open('rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
  -- fetch some data
  FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
*** 95,107 ****
  FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
! -- close the cursor
! SELECT dblink_close('rmt_foo_cursor');
  -- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
  FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
  -- close the persistent connection
  SELECT dblink_disconnect();
--- 107,133 ----
  FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
! -- intentionally botch a fetch
! FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foobar_cursor',4,false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
! -- reset remote transaction state
! SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
! -- close the wrong cursor
! SELECT dblink_close('rmt_foobar_cursor',false);
! -- reset remote transaction state
! SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
  -- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
  FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
+ -- this time, 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' as a notice
+ FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4,false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
  -- close the persistent connection
  SELECT dblink_disconnect();
*** 125,130 ****
--- 151,163 ----
  FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
+ -- bad remote select
+ FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foobar',false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
  -- change some data
  SELECT dblink_exec('UPDATE foo SET f3[2] = ''b99'' WHERE f1 = 11');
*** 133,138 ****
--- 166,177 ----
  FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
  WHERE a = 11;
+ -- botch a change to some other data
+ SELECT dblink_exec('UPDATE foobar SET f3[2] = ''b99'' WHERE f1 = 11',false);
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
  -- delete some data
  SELECT dblink_exec('DELETE FROM foo WHERE f1 = 11');
*** 161,166 ****
--- 200,213 ----
  FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
  WHERE t.a > 7;
+ -- use the named persistent connection, but get it wrong
+ FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foobar',false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
+ WHERE t.a > 7;
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','ABORT');
  -- create a second named persistent connection
  -- should error with "duplicate connection name"
  SELECT dblink_connect('myconn','dbname=regression');
*** 176,181 ****
--- 223,234 ----
  -- close the second named persistent connection
  SELECT dblink_disconnect('myconn2');
+ -- open a cursor incorrectly
+ SELECT dblink_open('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foobar',false);
+ -- reset remote transaction state
+ SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','ABORT');
  -- open a cursor
  SELECT dblink_open('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
*** 190,197 ****
  FROM dblink_fetch('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
! -- close the cursor
! SELECT dblink_close('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor');
  -- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
--- 243,254 ----
  FROM dblink_fetch('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
! -- fetch some data incorrectly
! FROM dblink_fetch('myconn','rmt_foobar_cursor',4,false) AS t(a int, b text, c 
! -- reset remote transaction state
! SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','ABORT');
  -- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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