On Thu, Dec 30, 2004 at 09:26:48PM -0800, ramesh phule wrote:

> Subject: [PATCHES] reqd patch
> To: pgsql-patches@postgresql.org

I'm not sure what "reqd patch" has to do with your question -- a
subject with the word "cursor" would be more appropriate since
that's the topic.  Also, pgsql-patches is supposed to be for "Patches
for new features and bug fixes," so I'm copying pgsql-general and
setting the Reply-To header to that list.

>     Cursor creation and fetching works fine.
>   but , 1) refcursor datatype is not recognised by postgres

What do you mean "not recognised"?  What exactly are you doing,
what are you expecting to happen, and what actually does happen?
It would be helpful if we could see the exact statements you're
executing and the exact error message you're getting.

>         2) fetch curs1 into curs2 , is not working.

Please be more specific than "not working" -- what are you trying
to do and what happens?  Is curs2 a cursor?  I wouldn't expect that
to work since the PL/pgSQL documentation says that the FETCH INTO
target "may be a row variable, a record variable, or a comma-separated
list of simple variables."

>  pls can u help me . can u send me one example of cursur 

The PostgreSQL documentation has examples in the "Cursors" section
of the PL/pgSQL chapter.  If those aren't helpful, then please
describe what you're trying to do so we can provide an example
that's more relevant to the problem.

Michael Fuhr

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