On 8/29/06, Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Good point.  I thought it was clear enough, but obviously not.  I had a
similar case with bind, and used a comma to separate them:

        LOG:  statement: prepare sel1, SELECT $1;
        LOG:  statement: bind sel1, $1 = 'a''b'

For this one, I must admit I prefer the colon we used before.
Something like:
LOG:  statement: prepare sel1: SELECT $1;
LOG:  statement: bind sel1: $1 = 'a''b'
seems better to me as after the colon, we have the details of the
command which is the common sense of a colon.

I am concerned a dash isn't clear enough, and a semicolon is confusing.
Using a comma the new output is:

        LOG:  duration: 0.023 ms  execute sel1
        DETAIL:  prepare: SELECT $1;,  bind: $1 = 'a''b'

A dash is clearer in this case IMHO. ;, is not very readable. But I
can parse easily both forms so it's not a problem for me if you prefer
a comma.

Is that OK?  Patch attached and committed.  I also fixed the null bind
parameter bug.  It now displays $1 = NULL (no quotes used).

Cool. I'll test that.

Other suggestions?

I'll compile this new version and make tests in the next few days to
check everything is consistent and let you know.

I'm still struggling to find a regexp good enough to parse "statement:
execute y ('a', 4, 'text, with a comma'::text);" :).

Thanks a lot for your work on this subject. It will help us a lot when
we use the JDBC driver.


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