Hi All,

  Please find attached the latest version of the patch attached. It
is based on REL8_2_STABLE.

  It includes a few bug fixes and an improvement to the size
estimation function. It also includes a work-around to circumvent the
problem we were facing earlier in xact.c; it now fakes itself to be a
PL/xxx module by surrounding the BIST()/RARCST() calls inside an
SPI_connect()/SPI_finish() block.

  Please note that the sample_*.txt files in the contrib module,
which show a few different sample runs, may be a little out of date.

Best regards,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gmail | hotmail | yahoo }.com

Attachment: pg_index_adviser-REL8_2_STABLE20061208-v22.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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