The attached patch warns users when they create documentation output that has no index, and suggests re-running 'gmake'.
-- Bruce Momjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] EnterpriseDB + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +
Index: doc/src/sgml/Makefile =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Makefile,v retrieving revision 1.86 diff -c -c -r1.86 Makefile *** doc/src/sgml/Makefile 15 Dec 2006 16:50:07 -0000 1.86 --- doc/src/sgml/Makefile 7 Jan 2007 04:26:05 -0000 *************** *** 95,101 **** ifeq ($(vpath_build), yes) @cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css . endif ! COLLATEINDEX := LC_ALL=C $(PERL) $(COLLATEINDEX) -f -g --- 95,103 ---- ifeq ($(vpath_build), yes) @cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css . endif ! # for some reason $wildcard expands too early, so we use 'test' ! @test -f bookindex.valid || echo "Run 'gmake' again to generate output with a proper index" ! COLLATEINDEX := LC_ALL=C $(PERL) $(COLLATEINDEX) -f -g *************** *** 105,113 **** --- 107,119 ---- ifeq (,$(wildcard HTML.index)) bookindex.sgml: $(COLLATEINDEX) -o $@ -N + @rm -f bookindex.valid + @touch bookindex.dummy else bookindex.sgml: HTML.index $(COLLATEINDEX) -i 'bookindex' -o $@ $< + @rm -f bookindex.dummy + @touch bookindex.valid endif version.sgml: $(top_builddir)/src/ *************** *** 141,155 **** --- 147,165 ---- %-A4.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $< + @test -f bookindex.valid || echo "Run 'gmake' again to generate output with a proper index" %-US.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $< + @test -f bookindex.valid || echo "Run 'gmake' again to generate output with a proper index" %-A4.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $< + @test -f bookindex.valid || echo "Run 'gmake' again to generate output with a proper index" %-US.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $< + @test -f bookindex.valid || echo "Run 'gmake' again to generate output with a proper index" %.dvi: %.tex-ps @rm -f $*.aux $*.log *************** *** 233,238 **** --- 243,249 ---- -e '1a\' -e '<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" "">' \ >$@ # ' hello Emacs + @test -f bookindex.valid || echo "Run 'gmake' again to generate output with a proper index" override XSLTPROCFLAGS += --stringparam pg.version '$(VERSION)' *************** *** 285,291 **** clean distclean maintainer-clean: # HTML ! rm -f HTML.manifest *.html *.gif # man rm -rf *.1 *.$(DEFAULTSECTION) man1 man$(DEFAULTSECTION) manpage.refs manpage.links manpage.log # print --- 296,302 ---- clean distclean maintainer-clean: # HTML ! rm -f HTML.manifest *.html *.gif bookindex.dummy bookindex.valid # man rm -rf *.1 *.$(DEFAULTSECTION) man1 man$(DEFAULTSECTION) manpage.refs manpage.links manpage.log # print
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