Gevik Babakhani wrote:
>> I'd be willing to accept a core uuid type sans generator function,
>> but is that really all that useful?
>  This is also a point I remember from the last discussions. To not to
> include the generator in the core. The generation of the uuid is then
> going to be on the client side.
> The uuid type is very useful, especially when migrating from other
> systems to pg  (ms->pg or syb->pg).

But does it really help if you don't have the generator?

I don't use UUIDs much myself, but I think in all cases I've seen that
use the uuid type in SQL Server they're also using the generator function.
Those that just store UUIDs in the database often just uses varchar - in
order to be more portable, I guess.

Not saying it wouldn't be good to have uuid for portability, I'm just a
bit unsure of how much use it is without a generator function...


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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