Sorry I was very late to find this.

With DBT-2 benchmark, I've already compared the amount of WAL. The result was as follows:

Amount of WAL after 60min. run of DBT-2 benchmark
wal_add_optimization_info = off (default) 3.13GB
wal_add_optimization_info = on (new case) 3.17GB -> can be optimized to 0.31GB by pg_compresslog.

So the difference will be around a couple of percents. I think this is very good figure.

For information,
DB Size: 12.35GB (120WH)
Checkpoint timeout: 60min.  Checkpoint occured only once in the run.


I don't think replacing LSN works fine. For full recovery to the current time, we need both archive log and WAL. Replacing LSN will make archive log LSN inconsistent with WAL's LSN and the recovery will not work.

Reconstruction to regular WAL is proposed as pg_decompresslog. We should be careful enough not to make redo routines confused with the dummy full page writes, as Simon suggested. So far, it works fine.


Zeugswetter Andreas ADI SD wrote:
Yup, this is a good summary.

You say you need to remove the optimization that avoids the logging
a new tuple because the full page image exists.
I think we must already have the info in WAL which tuple inside the full page image is new (the one for which we avoided the WAL entry for).

How about this:
Leave current WAL as it is and only add the not removeable flag to full pages.
pg_compresslog then replaces the full page image with a record for
one tuple that is changed.
I tend to think it is not worth the increased complexity only to
bytes in the uncompressed WAL though.
It is essentially what my patch proposes. My patch includes flag to full page writes which "can be" removed.

Ok, a flag that marks full page images that can be removed is perfect.

But you also turn off the optimization that avoids writing regular
WAL records when the info is already contained in a full-page image
(increasing the
uncompressed size of WAL).
It was that part I questioned. As already stated, maybe I should not
have because
it would be too complex to reconstruct a regular WAL record from the
full-page image. But that code would also be needed for WAL based partial replication, so
if it where too
complicated we would eventually want a switch to turn off the
optimization anyway
(at least for heap page changes).

Another point about pg_decompresslog:

Why do you need a pg_decompresslog ? Imho pg_compresslog should already do the replacing of the full_page with the dummy entry. Then

pg_decompresslog could be a simple gunzip, or whatever compression
used, but no logic.
Just removing full page writes does not work.   If we shift the rest
the WAL, then LSN becomes inconsistent in compressed archive logs
pg_compresslog produces.   For recovery, we have to restore LSN as the

original WAL.   Pg_decompresslog restores removed full page writes as
dumm records so that recovery redo functions won't be confused.

Ah sorry, I needed some pgsql/src/backend/access/transam/README reading.

LSN is the physical position of records in WAL. Thus your dummy record
size is equal to what you cut out of the original record.
What about disconnecting WAL LSN from physical WAL record position
during replay ?
Add simple short WAL records in pg_compresslog like: advance LSN by 8192


Koichi Suzuki

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