On 5/27/07, Jim C. Nasby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 10:48:59AM +0100, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> IOW it's working as designed. But maybe it's not the desired behavior.
> Should we have a special case and always respect the fillfactor when
> inserting to the last page of the heap?

I think that would be following with least surprise.

What's the status of this patch? are we waiting an update?

AFAIU, it's not fair to say that the patch maintain cluster order...
it just try to keep similar rows on the same page if possible (it's
not the same thing)... if it can't then it simply insert at the last
page as usual but we have wasted time in the try...

so the real question is if there is any performance win on this...
have you some numbers?

another question: if the fillfactor is 100% then is a complete waste
of time to look for a suggested block. maybe we could check for that?

Jaime Casanova

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                                      Richard Cook

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