On 02/11/2007, Gevik Babakhani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > what about name's collision? Maybe is better use some prefix,
> > like $ or :. Without it we only propagate one problem from
> > plpgsql to others languages.
> >
> Please explain.
> Perhaps I am wrong, but plpgsql handles arsgument names before it
> passes the query to be executed. Please see:
> plpgsql/pl_comp.c/do_compile(...)/line: 393
> Regards,
> Gevik.

it's one from mystic bugs:

create table t(a integer, b integer);
insert into t values(10,20);

create function foo(a integer)
returns integer
as $$
  select a from t
    where a <> b and a = 10;
$$ languge sql;

select foo(20);
output? expected 10, but you will get NULL!

Pavel Stehule

so some prefixes can help

create function foo(a integer)
returns integer
as $$
  select a from t
    where :a <> b and a = 10;
$$ languge sql;

Oracle use symbol ':'

I don't know what others databases has.

Pavel Stehule

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