Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> One --perhaps nice, perhaps not-- property of this is that if you defined a
>>> function named "rtrim" and then did "\df rtrim" it would show you _both_ the
>>> system and user function and make it easier to see the conflict. Whereas the
>>> other behaviour I proposed would hide the system function which might
>>> exacerbate the user's confusion.

>> Another way we could approach this is
>> ...

> That doesn't satisfy the original source of the annoyance which is that \df
> spams your terminal with ten screens of system functions with your user
> functions hidden amongst them.

Sure, but I think the core objection there is that there is no easy way
to see only the user-defined functions.  Given your point quoted first
above, I'm unconvinced that should be the default behavior.

                        regards, tom lane

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