On Friday 04 April 2008 03:14, Tom Lane wrote:
> Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ... If they'd have noticed it while the server was up, perhaps because
> > the "last checkpoint" value hadn't changed in a long time (which seems
> > like it might be available via stats even if, as you say, the background
> > writer is out of its mind at that point), they could have done such a
> > kill and collected some actual useful information here.  That's the
> > theory at least.
> Well, mebbe, but that still seems to require a lot of custom monitoring
> infrastructure that is not present in this patch, and furthermore that
> this patch doesn't especially aid the development of.

This patch makes that a 1 line sql call, which can be plugged into any number 
of monitoring systems. 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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