
2008/5/2 Heikki Linnakangas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Pavel Stehule wrote:
>> Hello
>> I found some bugs when I used base_lexer, so I returned back own
>> lexer. It's only little bit longer, but simpler.
> Hmm. I don't like having to lex the expressions again. It just doesn't feel
> right.

me too. But when I tested to use base_lexer routines, I had to write
similar number of lines and add new separate file
http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2008-04/msg00131.php -
main problems of this version is enhanced strings, because base_lexer
don't forward this information.

> How about taking a completely different strategy, and implement the
> CASE-WHEN construct fully natively in plpgsql, instead of trying to convert
> it to a single SQL CASE-WHEN expression? It's not a very good match anyway;
> you have to do tricks to convert the comma-separated lists of WHEN
> expressions to WHEN-THEN clauses, and you can't use the THEN-clauses as is,
> but you have to replace them with offsets into the array. I think
> implementing the logic in pl_exec.c would lead to cleaner code.

It was first variant. It's  simpler for parsing and slower for
execution :(. It means more than once expression evaluation and for
simple case value casting and comparation.

> FWIW, the current approach gives pretty cryptic CONTEXT information in error
> messages as well. For example, this pretty simple case-when example:
> postgres=# create or replace FUNCTION case_test(int)
> returns text as $$
> begin
>  case $1
>    when 1 then
>      return 'one';
>    when 'invalid' then
>      return 'two';
>    when 3,4,5 then
>      return 'three, four or five';
>  end case;
> end;
> $$ language plpgsql immutable;
> gives this pretty hard-to-understand error message:
> postgres=# SELECT case_test(1);
> ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "invalid"
> CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT CASE   $1  WHEN  1 THEN  1  WHEN 'invalid'
> THEN  2  WHEN  3 THEN  3  WHEN 4 THEN  3  WHEN 5 THEN  3  END "
> PL/pgSQL function "case_test" line 2 at unknown
> BTW, what does PL/SQL or PSM say about the type-compatibility of the CASE
> and the WHENs? We're very lenient in assignments, how should this behave?

what I know, it have to be compareable

case $1
    when 1 then
     return 'one';
   when 'invalid' then
     return 'two';

is same as

if expr1 = 1 then\
  return 'one'
elsif expr1 = 'invalid' then

I have to agree, so this message is ugly, but on second hand I can
check this error in compile time. When I move it to pl_exec I can
detect this bug much later, so current solution is safe. So, when I
read error message I see correct message - only CONTEXT is crazy (but
it is strange not only in this case)/ I haven't idea how I can solve
it - maybe notice in documentation. We can add hint to this message.
Other way (mix read_sql_construct and add_expr) has other problem with
nested case statements. Maybe safe to somewhere positions of
placeholders. But It will not be simple too, because width of
placeholders can be different.

Pavel Stehule

> --
>  Heikki Linnakangas
>  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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