On Sat, 2008-07-12 at 23:06 -0700, Jeff Davis wrote:
> I don't have a strong opinion about whether the variadic argument is
> declared as an array or scalar, so I am posting my comments about this
> version of the patch as well.
> This version also has a problem when declaring two functions "foo(int)"
> and "foo(variadic int[])". In this version, the declaration is allowed
> but the backend crashes when the function is called.
> The variable "transform_variadic" should have some kind of comment. It
> seems to be there to distinguish between when you're looking for a
> candidate function for a function call, and when you're looking for a
> candidate function for, e.g., CREATE FUNCTION. It's a little hard to
> follow, and is probably the cause for the aformentioned crash.
> Also, it doesn't seem to allow calls to a variadic function with zero
> arguments, e.g. "mleast()". I think this should be allowed.
> I suggest the following error message rewording:
> "variadic argument isn't an array" should be something like: "variadic
> argument must be an array".

To be clear, these comments apply to v2.0.0 of the patch.

        Jeff Davis

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