On Sun, Oct 10, 2021 at 11:06 PM Jeff Holt <jeff.h...@method-r.com> wrote:

> TLDR; If I spend the time necessary to instrument the many functions that
> are the equivalent of the Oracle counterparts, would anyone pull those
> changes and use them? Specifically, for those who know Oracle, I'm talking
> about implementing:
>    1. The portion of the ALTER SESSION that enables extended SQL trace
>    2. Most of the DBMS_MONITOR and DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO packages
>    3. Instrument the thousand or so functions that are the equivalent of
>    those found in Oracle's V$EVENT_NAME
>    4. Dynamic performance view V$DIAG_INFO
> For the last 35 years, I've made my living helping people solve Oracle
> performance problems by looking at it, which means:
> Trace a user experience and profile the trace file to (a) reveal where the
> time has gone and its algorithm and (b) make it easy to imagine the cost of
> possible solutions as well as the savings in response time or resources.
> I've even submitted change requests to improve Oracle's tracing features
> while working for them and since those glorious five years.
> Now looking closely at postgreSQL, I see an opportunity to more quickly
> implement Oracle's current feature list.
> I've come to this point because I see many roadblocks for users who want
> to see a detailed "receipt" for their response time. The biggest roadblock
> is that without a *lot* of automation, a user of any kind must log into
> the server and attempt to get the data that are now traditionally child's
> play for Oracle. The second biggest roadblock I see is the recompilation
> that is required for the server components (i.e., postgreSQL, operating
> system). My initial attempts to get anything useful out of postgreSQL were
> dismal failures and I think it should be infinitely easier.
> Running either dtrace and eBPF scripts on the server should not be
> required. The instrumentation and the code being instrumented should be
> tightly coupled. Doing so will allow *anyone* on *any* platform for *any* 
> PostgreSQL
> version to get a trace file just as easily as people do for Oracle.

I hope this kind of instrumentation will make its way to PostgreSQL one
day. Knowing where the time is spent changes the performance
troubleshooting approach from guess-and-try to a scientific method. This is
what made Linux a valid OS for enterprises, when instrumentation reached
the same level as we got on Unix. There's a demand for it in enterprises:
for example, EDB Advanced Server implemented timed wait events. I'm sure
having it in open source postgres will help to understand the performance
issues encountered by users, then helping to improve the database.
Profiling where the database time is spent should not be reserved to
commercial databases. Having the source code visible is not sufficient to
understand what happens in production. Observability should also be there.

There is a fear in the postgres community that features are implemented
just because they exist in oracle, and mentioning oracle is often seen
suspicious. Probably because of the risk of adding complexity for no user
value. Here, about instrumentation, I think that looking at what Oracle did
during 20 years is a good start. Because instrumentation is not an easy
task. Some waits are too short to have meaningful timing (the timing itself
may take more cpu cycles than the instrumentation itself). Some tasks are
critical to be measured. Looking at what Oracle Support implemented in
order to solve big customer problems can give a good basis. Of course, all
this must be adapted for postgres. For example, a write system call may be
a logical or physical write because there's no direct I/O. At least, a
precise timing, aggregated to histograms, will help to distinguish which
writes were filesystem hits, or storage cache hits, or went to disk. And on
the most common platform, the overhead is minimal because getting the
timestamp can be done in userspace.

Today, Linux has many tools that were not there when Oracle had to
implement wait events. And people may think the Linux tools are sufficient
today. However, getting system call time is not easy in production (strace
must attach to the process) and other tools (perf) are only sampling: gives
an idea but hides the details. Unfortunately, what we have from the OS
gives interesting clues (for guess and try) but not enough facts (for
scientific approach).

So the proposal is great, but there is also the risk of putting a large
effort in describing the specification and maybe a patch, and that it is
rejected. It should probably be discussed in the -hackers list (
https://www.postgresql.org/list/pgsql-hackers/) first. And people will
dislike it because it mentions Oracle. Or people will dislike it because
they think this should be reserved to commercial forks. Or because it may
introduce too much dependency on the OS. But some others will see the value
of it. Discussions are good as long as they stay focused on the value of
the community project. I don't have skills to contribute to the code, but
will be happy to expose the need for this instrumentation (profiling time
spent in database functions or system calls) as I have many examples for it.

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