
Since you want the fastest speed I would do the 2 data
disks in RAID 0 (striping) not RAID 1 (mirroring).

If you would care about not loosing any transactions
you would keep all 3 disks in RAID 5.

Don't know the answer to the Hyperthreading question. 
Why don't you run a test to find out?


On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 14:43:25 -0300 (BRT), "alexandre
arruda paes :: aldeia digital" wrote:

> Hi,
> I have this machine with a 10 million records:
> * Dual Xeon 2.0 (HyperThreading enabled), 3 7200 SCSI
> Adaptec 2110S,
> RAID 5 - 32k chunk size, 1 GB Ram DDR 266 ECC, RH 8.0
> 2.4.18
> The database is mirrored with contrib/dbmirror in a P4
> 1 Gb Ram + IDE
> If a disk failure occurs, I can use the server in the
> mirror.
> I will format the main server in this weekend and I
> have seen in the list
> some people that recomends a Software RAID instead HW.
> I think too remove the RAID 5 and turn a RAID 1 for
> data in 2 HDs.
> SO, WAL and swap in the thrid HD.
> My questions:
> 1) I will see best disk performance changing the disk
> layout like above
> 2) HyperThreading really improve a procces basead
> program, like postgres
> Thank´s for all
> Alexandre
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