2003-08-21 ragyogó napján Bill Moran ezt üzente:

> Tomka Gergely wrote:
> >
> >
> > One of my friend do these tests. We think about the best filesystem for
> > the Linux/Postgres systems.
> >
> > The four test was:
> >
> > teszt1 - 10.000 inserts
> > teszt2 - 10.inserts, 10 in one trans.
> > teszt3 - 14.000.000 inserts, 1.000 in one trans.
> > teszt4 - "Select count(*)" on the big table.
> >
> > What test are interesting? Plese give us tips and ideas. The guy has time
> > for other test.
> It's a shame you didn't test ufs+softupdates.  I'd be curious to see how
> it stacked up against the others.

Shame? I smell here a harcore BSD fighter :) Maybe sometime he run
tests on *SD, but now we need linux data.

Tomka Gergely
"S most - vajon barbárok nélkül mi lesz velünk?
Ők mégiscsak megoldás voltak valahogy..."

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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