On Friday 05 September 2003 19:20, Neil Conway wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 06:07, Richard Huxton wrote:
> > PG's parser will assume an explicit number is an int4 - if you need an
> > int8 etc you'll need to cast it, yes.
> Or enclose the integer literal in single quotes.
> > You should find plenty of discussion of why in the archives, but the
> > short reason is that PG's type structure is quite flexible which means it
> > can't afford to make too many assumptions.
> Well, it's definitely a bug in PG, it's "quite flexible" type structure
> notwithstanding.

It certainly catches out a lot of people. I'd guess it's in the top three 
issues in the general/sql lists. I'd guess part of the problem is it's so 
silent. In some ways it would be better to issue a NOTICE every time a 
typecast is forced in a comparison - irritating as that would be.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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