On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 11:27, Will LaShell wrote:
> > Also, I cannot find any list of packages included in Enterprise Linux
> 2.1 /
> > 3. Does anyone know if PostgreSQL is included and if so, what version?
> You have two options as I understand it for PG under RHEL. You can
> install the PG source from Postgres themselves, or you can use the
> Postgresql Red Hat Edition. Bruce I think can give you more information
> on this product. http://sources.redhat.com/rhdb/index.html  This is the
> link to it.

Bruce works for SRA, not Red Hat, so he's probably not your best option
to talk to on PRHE... While there are Red Hat employees floating around
these lists, I'd first suggest reading over the website and then either
emailing the PRHE lists or one of it's team members depending on the
specifics of any questions.

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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