On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 17:32, Chris Field wrote:
> We are getting ready to spec out a new machine and are wondering about
> the wisdom of buying a quad versus a dual processor machine.  Seing as
> how postgres in not a threaded application, and this server will only be
> used for log/transaction analysis (it will only ever have a few large
> queries running).  Is there any performance to be gained, and if so is
> it worth the large cost?  Any thoughts/experience are much
> appreciated...

Xeon or Opteron?  The faster Opterons *really* blaze, especially
in 64-bit mode.  As others have said, though, RAM and I/O are most

Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA

"As I like to joke, I may have invented it, but Microsoft made it
David Bradley, regarding Ctrl-Alt-Del 

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