Hello all,

I have a performance issue that I cannot seem to solve and am hoping that 
someone might be able to make some suggestions.

First some background information.  We are using PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on Linux 
with kernel 2.4.19.  The box is a single P4 2.4Ghz proc with 1G ram and  uw 
scsi drives in a hardware raid setup.

We have a transactioninfo table  with about 163k records.  psql describes the 
table as:

\d transactioninfo
                                  Table "public.transactioninfo"
    Column     |           Type           |                       Modifiers
 transactionid | integer                  | not null default 
 userid        | integer                  |
 programid     | integer                  |
 time          | timestamp with time zone |
 comment       | text                     |
 undoable      | boolean                  |
 del           | boolean                  |
Indexes: transactioninfo_pkey primary key btree (transactionid),
         delidx btree (del),
         transactioninfo_date btree ("time", programid, userid)
Triggers: RI_ConstraintTrigger_6672989,

There are about 67 inherited tables that inherit the fields from this table, 
hence the 134 constraint triggers.  

There is a related table transactionlog which has a fk(foreign key) to 
transactioninfo.  It contains about 600k records.

There are 67 hist_tablename tables, each with a different structure.  Then an 
additional 67 tables called hist_tablename_log which inherit from the 
transactionlog table and appropriate hist_tablename table.  By the automagic 
of inheritance, since the transactionlog has a fk to transactioninfo, each of 
the hist_tablename_log tables does as well (if I am reading the pg_trigger 
table correctly).

Once a day we run a sql select statement to clear out all records in 
transactioninfo that don't have a matching record in transactionlog.  We 
accumulate between 5k-10k records a day that need clearing from 
transactioninfo.  That clear ran this morning for 5 hours and 45 minutes.

Today I am working on streamlining the sql to try and get the delete down to a 
manageable time frame.  The original delete statement was quite inefficent.  
So, far, I've found that it appears to be much faster to break the task into 
two pieces.  The first is to update a flag on transactioninfo to mark empty 
transactions and then a followup delete which clears based on that flag.  The 
update takes about a minute or so.

update only transactioninfo set del=TRUE where
    not exists (select transactionid from transactionlog l where 
Time: 59763.26 ms

 Now if I delete a single transactioninfo record found by selecting del=true 
limit 1 I get

explain analyze delete  from only transactioninfo where transactionid=734607;
                                                             QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using transactioninfo_pkey on transactioninfo  (cost=0.00..6.01 
rows=1 width=6) (actual time=0.18..0.18 rows=1 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (transactionid = 734607)
 Total runtime: 0.41 msec
(3 rows)

Time: 855.08 ms

With the 7000 records to delete and a delete time of 0.855s, we are looking at 
1.5hrs to do the clear which is a great improvement from the 6 hours we have 
been seeing.  But it still seems like it should run faster.

The actual clear statement used in the clear is as follows:
explain delete from transactioninfo where del=true;
                              QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on transactioninfo  (cost=0.00..6177.21 rows=78528 width=6)
   Filter: (del = true)
(2 rows)
Another interesting observation is that the raid subsystem shows very low 
activity during the clear.  The backend process is almost entirely cpu bound.

Some of the documentation implies that inherited tables cause deletes to be 
very slow on the parent table, so I did the following experiment.

vistashare=# create table transactioninfo_copy as select * from 
Time: 6876.88 ms
vistashare=# create index transinfo_copy_del_idx on transactioninfo_copy(del);
Time: 446.20 ms
vistashare=# delete from transactioninfo_copy where del=true;
Time: 202.33 ms

Which certainly points to the triggers being the culprit.  In reading the 
documentation, it seems like the "delete from only..." statement should 
ignore the constraint triggers.  But it seems quite obvious from the 
experiments that it is not.  Also, the fact that the query plan doesn't show 
the actual time used when analyze is used seems to again point to the after 
delete triggers as being the culprit.

Is there any other way to make this faster then to drop and rebuild all the 
attached constraints?  Is there a way to "disable" the constraints for a 
single statement.  Because of the unique nature of the data, we know that the 
inherited tables don't need to be inspected.  The table structure has worked 
quite well up till now and we are hoping to not have to drop our foreign keys 
and inheritance if possible.  Any ideas?

Thanks for your time,

Chris Kratz
Systems Analyst/Programmer
VistaShare LLC

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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