Hi Josh,

I know that and that is what I am using now.
The problem is I also need to know
the relpages each indexe takes and "analyze"
seems not update relpages though vacuum and
vacuum analyze do. 

According to PG doc:
"Remember, relpages is only updated by VACUUM and

My question is why relpages of indexes
do not get updated after "analyze".

Here is a quick test:
create table test as select * from pg_class where 1=2;
create index test_idx on test (relname);
insert into test select * from pg_class;
select relname, relpages from pg_class
where relname in ('test', 'test_idx');
 relname  | relpages
 test     |       10
 test_idx |        1
(2 rows)

analyze test;
select relname, relpages from pg_class
where relname in ('test', 'test_idx');
 relname  | relpages
 test     |       27
 test_idx |        1
(2 rows)
-- Analyze only updates table's relpage, not index's!

vacuum analyze test;
select relname, relpages from pg_class
where relname in ('test', 'test_idx');
 relname  | relpages
 test     |       27
 test_idx |       22
(2 rows)
-- "acuum analzye" updates both
-- "vacuum" only also updates both

Thank you for your help!

--- Josh Berkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Litao,
> > I have some tables and there are almost only
> > inserts. So I do not care about the "dead tuples",
> > but do care about the statistics. 
> Then just run ANALYZE on those tables, and not
> ANALYZE <table-name>;
> > My PG version is 7.3.2.
> I would suggest upgrading to 7.3.6; the version you
> are using has several 
> known bugs.
> -- 
> -Josh Berkus
>  Aglio Database Solutions
>  San Francisco

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---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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