> We're looking into getting an Adaptec 2200S or the Megaraid 320 2x
> which have better processors, and hopefully better performance.  We
> feel that the use of the AIC7930 as the CPU on the ZCR  just doesn't
> cut it and a faster raid controller would work better. Does anyone out
> there have any experience with these cards with postgresql and linux?
> If so, would you be willing to share your experiences and possibly give
> a recommendation?

I have worked with at least four major name brands of scsi and ide raid
controllers and so far the one I have found to be generally the most
featured and fastest is the ICP Vortex controllers
(http://www.icp-vortex.com/).  It is also more expensive than the others
but has been worth the cost IMHO.  It has a command line utility to
measure disk performance and I believe the source code for it is
available.  I have measured over 200 MB/s reads off these controllers on
3u disk array units.  I'm sure I could have gotten more with additional


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