--- Jan Wieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 8/17/2004 8:44 PM, my thi ho wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am working on a project which explore postgresql
> to
> > store multimedia data.
> > In details,  i am trying to work with the buffer
> > management part of postgres source code. And try
> to
> > improve the performance. I had search on the web
> but
> > could not find much usefull information. 
> What version of PostgreSQL are you looking at? Note
> that the buffer 
> cache replacement strategy was completely changed
> for version 8.0, which 
> is currently in BETA test. A description of the
> algorithm can be found 
> in the README file in src/backend/storage/bufmgr.

oki, Thanks for the information. I have a look at 8.0
beta, but cannot start the statistic collector. (I had
post this err message before for help, but havent
really got any clue to fix it)
> LOG:  could not create IPv6 socket: Address family
> supported by protocol
> LOG:  could not bind socket for statistics
> Cannot assign requested address
> LOG:  disabling statistics collector for lack of
> working socket

btw, what i want to ask here is does postgreSQL have
any kind of read-ahead buffer implemented? 'cos it
would be useful in multimedia case when we always scan
the large table for continous data.

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