Sorry, I meant 30,000 with 300 connections - not 3,000.  The 300
/ second is realistic, if not underestimated.  As is the nature of
our site
(realtime information about online gaming), there's a huge fan base
and as a
big upset happens, we'll do 50,000 page views in a span of 3-5

First, your posts show no evidences of the CS storm bug.

Second, 300 *new* connections a second is a lot.   Each new connection
requires a significant amount of both database and OS overhead.   This
is why all the other web developers use a connection pool.

I would second this. You need to be running a connection pool and probably multiple web servers in
front of that. You are talking about a huge amount of connections in that amount of time.

Josh Drake

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if your lockups are on the OS level,
even; I don't recall that you cited what OS you're using, but I can
imagine locking up Linux 2.4 trying to spawn 300 new processes a


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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