> I realize you may be stuck with 7.3.x but you should be aware that 7.4
> is considerably faster, and 8.0 appears to be even faster yet.

There are a little bit incompatibility between 7.3 -8 , so rather difficult to

> I would seriously consider upgrading, if at all possible.
> A few more hints.
> Random page cost is quite conservative if you have reasonably fast disks.
> Speaking of fast disks, not all disks are created equal, some RAID
> drives are quite slow (Bonnie++ is your friend here)
> Sort memory can be set on a per query basis, I'd consider lowering it
> quite low and only increasing it when necessary.
> Which brings us to how to find out when it is necessary.
> Turn logging on and turn on log_pid, and log_duration, then you will
> need to sort through the logs to find the slow queries.

In standard RH 9.0 , if I enable both of the log [pid , duration] , where could
I look for the result of the log, and would it make the system to be slower?


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