Please post in plaintext, not html where possible.
Your group by clause was 'myst'...was that supposed to be mystate?

Her is something you might try...use the original query form and create a 
function which resolves the state code from the input are already 
doing that with upper.


create function get_state_code(text) returns char(2) as 
        select case when len($1) = 2 
                then upper($1)
                else lookup_state_code($1)
language sql stable;

lookup_state_code is a similar function which is boils down to a select from a 
lookup table.  Or, you could make a giant cast statement (when GEORGIA then GA, 
etc).  and now your function becomes IMMUTABLE and should execute very fast.  
Just make sure all the states are spelled correct in the original table via 
domain constraint.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of sarlav kumar
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 9:40 AM
To: pgsqlnovice; pgsqlperform
Subject: [PERFORM] query optimization help

Hi All,
I have the following query to generate a report grouped by "states".
SELECT distinct upper(cd.state) as mystate, SUM(d.amount) as total_amount, 
SUM(COALESCE(d.fee,0) + COALESCE(mp.seller_fee, 0) + COALESCE(mp.buyer_fee,0)) 
as total_fee FROM data d left JOIN customerdata cd ON d.uid = cd.uid LEFT JOIN 
merchant_purchase mp ON = mp.data_id WHERE d.what IN (26,0, 15) AND 
d.flags IN (1,9,10,12 ) AND lower( = 'us' AND 
date_part('year',d.time)= 2004 GROUP BY myst
ate ORDER BY mystate;

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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