Miroslav Šulc wrote:

PFC wrote:

    Your query seems of the form :

    SELECT FROM main_table LEFT JOIN a lot of tables ORDER BY
sort_key LIMIT  N OFFSET M;

    I would suggest to rewrite it in a simpler way : instead of
generating  the whole result set, sorting it, and then grabbing a
slice, generate only  the ror id's, grab a slice, and then generate
the full rows from that.

    - If you order by a field which is in main_table :
    SELECT FROM main_table LEFT JOIN a lot of tables WHERE
main_table.id IN  (SELECT id FROM main_table ORDER BY sort_key LIMIT

    - If you order by a field in one of the child tables, I guess you
only  want to display the rows in the main table which have this
field, ie.  not-null in the LEFT JOIN. You can also use the principle

- You can use a straight join instead of an IN.

Do you mean something like this?

SELECT Table.IDPK, Table2.varchar1, Table2.varchar2, ...
FROM Table
LEFT JOIN many tables
INNER JOIN Table AS Table2


I would also recommend using the subselect format. Where any columns that you are going to need to sort on show up in the subselect.

So you would have:

   FROM main_table
   LEFT JOIN tablea ON ...
   LEFT JOIN tableb ON ...
   JOIN other_table ON ...
   WHERE main_table.idpk IN
      (SELECT idpk
           FROM main_table JOIN other_table ON main_table.idpk =
           WHERE ...
           ORDER BY other_table.abcd LIMIT n OFFSET m)

I think the final LIMIT + OFFSET would give you the wrong results, since
you have already filtered out the important rows.
I also think you don't need the final order by, since the results should
already be in sorted order.

Now this also assumes that if someone is sorting on a row, then they
don't want null entries. If they do, then you can change the subselect
into a left join. But with appropriate selectivity and indexes, an inner
join can filter out a lot of rows, and give you better performance.

The inner subselect gives you selectivity on the main table, so that you
don't have to deal with all the columns in the search, and then you
don't have to deal with all the rows later on.

I think you can also do this:

   FROM (SELECT main_table.idpk, other_table.<columns> FROM main_table
JOIN other_table ....) as p
   LEFT JOIN ...
   JOIN main_table ON main_table.idpk = p.idpk;

In that case instead of selecting out the id and putting that into the
where, you put it in the from, and then join against it.
I don't really know which is better.


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