On 3/14/2005 4:26 AM, Qingqing Zhou wrote:

So is it to make SQL parser context-sensitive - say the parser will
understand that in statement "SELECT * from LIMIT", LIMIT is just a table
name, instead of keyword?

More or less, yes. To use a reserved keyword as an identifier (table or column name), it must be enclosed in double quotes. Double quotes are also used to make identifiers case sensitive. So

    select someval, "SOMEVAL", "someVAL" from "user";

is a valid query retrieving 3 distinct columns from the table "user". There is a builtin function quote_ident() in PostgreSQL that is supposed to return a properly quoted string allowed as an identifier for whatever name is passed in. But it fails to do so for all lower case names that are reserved keywords.

The queries Slony executes on the replicas are constructed using that quoting function, and therefore Slony fails to build valid SQL for replicated table containing reserved keyword identifiers. One solution would be to brute-force quote all identifiers in Slony ... not sure what the side effects performance wise would be.


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