Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
But why then is the speed acceptable if I copy and then manually add the FK? Is the check done by the FK so much different from when it is done automatically using an active deffered FK?

Yeah I think it uses a different query formulation... Actually I only assume that deferred fk's don't use that - I guess your experiment proves that.

In my tests deferred or not deferred makes no difference in speed. I am still quite surprised by how huge the difference is.. this makes FKs quite unusable when added a lot of data to a table.

Actually, you can just "disable" them if you want to be really dirty :)

Thanks for the pointer. I got this from the archives:

update pg_class set reltriggers=0 where relname = 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME';

to enable them after you are done, do

update pg_class set reltriggers = count(*) from pg_trigger where pg_class.oid=tgrelid and relname='YOUR_TABLE_NAME';

I assume the re-enabling will cause an error when the copy/insert added data that does not satisfy the FK. In that case I'll indeed end up with invalid data, but at least I will know about it.


Richard van den Berg, CISSP
Trust Factory B.V. |
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