On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Enrico Weigelt wrote:

> I'm doing a simple lookup in a small table by an unique id, and I'm
> wondering, why explains tells me seqscan is used instead the key.
> The table looks like:
>     id        bigint          primary key,
>     a varchar,
>     b varchar,
>     c         varchar
> and I'm quering: select * from foo where id = 2;
> I've got only 15 records in this table, but I wanna have it as
> fast as possible since its used (as a map between IDs and names)
> for larger queries.

Two general things:
 For 15 records, an index scan may not be faster.  For simple tests
  you can play with enable_seqscan to see, but for more complicated
  queries it's a little harder to tell.
 If you're using a version earlier than 8.0, you'll need to quote
  or cast the value you're searching for due to problems with
  cross-type comparisons (the 2 would be treated as int4).

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