OK ... so just to clearify...  (and pardon my ignorance):

I need to increase the value of 'default_statistics_target' variable and 
then run VACUUM ANALYZE, right? If so what should I choose for the 

BTW I only don't do any sub-selection on the View.

I have attached the view in question and the output of:
SELECT oid , relname, relpages, reltuples 
        FROM pg_class ORDER BY relpages DESC;


On Sat, 23 Apr 2005, Tom Lane wrote:

> John A Meinel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Actually, you probably don't want enable_seqscan=off, you should try:
> > SET enable_nestloop TO off.
> > The problem is that it is estimating there will only be 44 rows, but in
> > reality there are 13M rows. It almost definitely should be doing a
> > seqscan with a sort and merge join.
> Not nestloops anyway.
> > I don't understand how postgres could get the number of rows that wrong.
> No stats, or out-of-date stats is the most likely bet.
> > I can't figure out exactly what is where from the formatting, but the query 
> > that seems misestimated is:
> > ->  Index Scan using "IX_ClimateId" on "ClimateChangeModel40"  
> > (cost=0.00..1063711.75 rows=265528 width=20) (actual time=28.311..17212.703 
> > rows=13276368 loops=1)
> >     Index Cond: ("outer"."ClimateId" = "ClimateChangeModel40"."ClimateId")
> Yeah, that's what jumped out at me too.  It's not the full explanation
> for the join number being so far off, but this one at least you have a
> chance to fix by updating the stats on ClimateChangeModel40.
>                       regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Shoaib Burq
VPAC - Geospatial Applications Developer
Building 91, 110 Victoria Street, 
Carlton South, Vic 3053, Australia
w: www.vpac.org  | e: sab_AT_vpac_DOT_org | mob: +61.431-850039

    oid    |             relname             | relpages |  reltuples  
     16996 | CurrentAusClimate               |   474551 | 8.06736e+07
     16983 | ClimateChangeModel40            |   338252 | 5.31055e+07
 157821816 | PK_CurrentAusClimate            |   265628 | 8.06736e+07
 157835995 | idx_climateid                   |   176645 | 8.06736e+07
 157835996 | idx_ausposnum                   |   176645 | 8.06736e+07
 157835997 | idx_climatevalue                |   176645 | 8.06736e+07
 157821808 | PK_ClimateModelChange_40        |   174858 | 5.31055e+07
 157821788 | IX_iMonth001                    |   116280 | 5.31055e+07
 157821787 | IX_ClimateId                    |   116280 | 5.31055e+07
 157821786 | IX_AusPosNumber                 |   116280 | 5.31055e+07
     17034 | NeighbourhoodTable              |    54312 | 1.00476e+07
 157821854 | PK_NeighbourhoodTable           |    27552 | 1.00476e+07
 157821801 | IX_NeighbourhoodId              |    22002 | 1.00476e+07
 157821800 | IX_NAusPosNumber                |    22002 | 1.00476e+07
 157821799 | IX_AusPosNumber006              |    22002 | 1.00476e+07
     17012 | FutureEvapMonth                 |    12026 | 1.10636e+06
     17014 | FutureMaxTMonth                 |    12026 | 1.10636e+06
     17016 | FutureMinTMonth                 |    12026 | 1.10636e+06
     17018 | FutureRainMonth                 |    12026 | 1.10636e+06
     17000 | CurrentEvapMonth                |     8239 | 1.12047e+06
     17002 | CurrentMaxTMonth                |     8239 | 1.12047e+06
     17004 | CurrentMinTMonth                |     8239 | 1.12047e+06
     17006 | CurrentR_RMonth                 |     8239 | 1.12047e+06
     17008 | CurrentRadMonth                 |     8239 | 1.12047e+06
     17010 | CurrentRainMonth                |     8239 | 1.12047e+06
     16977 | Aus40_DEM                       |     6591 | 1.12047e+06
     16979 | Aus40DemRandom                  |     6057 | 1.12047e+06
     16981 | ClimateChange                   |     3752 |      543984
 157821780 | IX_Random                       |     3075 | 1.12047e+06
 157821832 | PK_FutureEvapMonth              |     3036 | 1.10636e+06
 157821834 | PK_FutureMaxTMonth              |     3036 | 1.10636e+06
 157821836 | PK_FutureMinTMonth              |     3036 | 1.10636e+06
 157821838 | PK_FutureRainMonth              |     3036 | 1.10636e+06
 157821804 | PK_Aus40DemRandom               |     2456 | 1.12047e+06
 157821802 | PK_Aus40_DEM                    |     2456 | 1.12047e+06
 157821820 | PK_CurrentEvapMonth             |     2456 | 1.12047e+06
 157821822 | PK_CurrentMaxTMonth             |     2456 | 1.12047e+06
 157821824 | PK_CurrentMinTMonth             |     2456 | 1.12047e+06
 157821826 | PK_CurrentR_RMonth              |     2456 | 1.12047e+06
 157821828 | PK_CurrentRadMonth              |     2456 | 1.12047e+06
 157821830 | PK_CurrentRainMonth             |     2456 | 1.12047e+06
 157821790 | IX_ClimateModelId001            |     2425 | 1.10636e+06
 157821789 | IX_AusPosNumber001              |     2425 | 1.10636e+06
 157821792 | IX_ClimateModelId002            |     2425 | 1.10636e+06
 157821791 | IX_AusPosNumber002              |     2425 | 1.10636e+06
 157821794 | IX_ClimateModelId003            |     2425 | 1.10636e+06
 157821793 | IX_AusPosNumber003              |     2425 | 1.10636e+06
 157821796 | IX_ClimateModelId004            |     2425 | 1.10636e+06
 157821795 | IX_AusPosNumber004              |     2425 | 1.10636e+06
 157821806 | PK_ClimateChange                |     2392 |      543984
 157821785 | IX_Longitude                    |     1194 |      543984
 157821784 | IX_Latitude                     |     1194 |      543984
 157821783 | IX_iMonth                       |     1194 |      543984
 157821782 | IX_ClimateModelId               |     1194 |      543984
 157821781 | IX_ClimateCId                   |     1194 |      543984
     17026 | InputDataPoints                 |      354 |       40000
     16640 | pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index  |      125 |        1492
 157821846 | PK_InputDataPoints              |      112 |       40000
 157821798 | IX_ClimateId001                 |       90 |       40000
 157821797 | IX_AusPosNumber005              |       90 |       40000
      1255 | pg_proc                         |       58 |        1492
     16608 | pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index |       47 |        1732
      1249 | pg_attribute                    |       31 |        1732
     16598 | pg_depend                       |       26 |        3485
     16623 | pg_depend_reference_index       |       21 |        3485
     17040 | SprengeliaList                  |       18 |        3217
     16622 | pg_depend_depender_index        |       17 |        3485
     16613 | pg_class_relname_nsp_index      |       14 |         232
      1259 | pg_class                        |       13 |         232
     16392 | pg_operator                     |       13 |         643
     16416 | pg_description                  |       12 |        1390
     16609 | pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index |       12 |        1732
     16638 | pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index |       11 |         643
     16639 | pg_proc_oid_index               |       11 |        1492
     16672 | pg_toast_16410                  |       10 |          44
 157821860 | PK_SprengeliaList               |       10 |        3217
     17036 | ScenarioEmissionLevels          |        9 |        1311
     16624 | pg_description_o_c_o_index      |        8 |        1390
     16651 | pg_type_typname_nsp_index       |        7 |         226
     16390 | pg_index                        |        7 |         115
 157821856 | PK_ScenarioEmissionLevels       |        7 |        1311
     16410 | pg_rewrite                      |        6 |          46
      1247 | pg_type                         |        5 |         226
     16408 | pg_statistic                    |        5 |         143
     16612 | pg_class_oid_index              |        4 |         232
     16618 | pg_conversion_name_nsp_index    |        4 |         114
     16637 | pg_operator_oid_index           |        4 |         643
     16645 | pg_statistic_relid_att_index    |        4 |         143
     16600 | pg_aggregate_fnoid_index        |        2 |          60
     16601 | pg_am_name_index                |        2 |           4
     16602 | pg_am_oid_index                 |        2 |           4
     16603 | pg_amop_opc_opr_index           |        2 |         180
     16604 | pg_amop_opc_strategy_index      |        2 |         180
     16605 | pg_amproc_opc_procnum_index     |        2 |          57
     16610 | pg_cast_oid_index               |        2 |         174
     16611 | pg_cast_source_target_index     |        2 |         174
     16614 | pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index |        2 |          32
     16615 | pg_constraint_conrelid_index    |        2 |          32
     16616 | pg_constraint_oid_index         |        2 |          32
     16617 | pg_conversion_default_index     |        2 |         114
     16619 | pg_conversion_oid_index         |        2 |         114
     16620 | pg_database_datname_index       |        2 |           4
     16621 | pg_database_oid_index           |        2 |           4
     16625 | pg_group_name_index             |        2 |           1
     16626 | pg_group_sysid_index            |        2 |           1
     16627 | pg_index_indrelid_index         |        2 |         115
     16628 | pg_index_indexrelid_index       |        2 |         115
     16630 | pg_language_name_index          |        2 |           3
     16631 | pg_language_oid_index           |        2 |           3
     16633 | pg_namespace_nspname_index      |        2 |           4
     16634 | pg_namespace_oid_index          |        2 |           4
     16635 | pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index    |        2 |          51
     16636 | pg_opclass_oid_index            |        2 |          51
     16641 | pg_rewrite_oid_index            |        2 |          46
     16642 | pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index   |        2 |          46
     16643 | pg_shadow_usename_index         |        2 |           3
     16644 | pg_shadow_usesysid_index        |        2 |           3
     16646 | pg_trigger_tgconstrname_index   |        2 |           5
     16647 | pg_trigger_tgconstrrelid_index  |        2 |           5
     16648 | pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index |        2 |           5
     16649 | pg_trigger_oid_index            |        2 |           5
     16650 | pg_type_oid_index               |        2 |         226
     16674 | pg_toast_16410_index            |        2 |          44
     16418 | pg_cast                         |        2 |         174
     16596 | pg_conversion                   |        2 |         114
     17044 | Templates                       |        2 |         238
 157821810 | PK_ClimateIndicators            |        2 |          35
 157821812 | PK_ClimateModels                |        2 |          10
 157821814 | PK_ClimateVariables             |        2 |           7
 157821840 | PK_GetCurrentClimateParameters  |        2 |           1
 157821842 | PK_GetFutureClimateParameters   |        2 |           1
 157821844 | PK_GetPointsList                |        2 |           1
 157821848 | PK_Levels                       |        2 |           3
 157821850 | PK_Months                       |        2 |          12
 157821852 | PK_NeighbourDescription         |        2 |           9
 157821858 | PK_ScenarioNames                |        2 |          18
 157821862 | PK_Years                        |        2 |          23
      1261 | pg_group                        |        1 |           1
     16606 | pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index  |        1 |           0
     16607 | pg_attrdef_oid_index            |        1 |           0
     16629 | pg_inherits_relid_seqno_index   |        1 |           0
     16632 | pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index    |        1 |           0
     16656 | pg_toast_16384_index            |        1 |           0
     16659 | pg_toast_16386_index            |        1 |           0
     16662 | pg_toast_1262_index             |        1 |           0
     16394 | pg_opclass                      |        1 |          51
     16396 | pg_am                           |        1 |           4
     16665 | pg_toast_16416_index            |        1 |           0
     16668 | pg_toast_1261_index             |        1 |           0
     16398 | pg_amop                         |        1 |         180
     16400 | pg_amproc                       |        1 |          57
     16402 | pg_language                     |        1 |           3
     16671 | pg_toast_1255_index             |        1 |           0
     16406 | pg_aggregate                    |        1 |          60
     16412 | pg_trigger                      |        1 |           5
     16594 | pg_namespace                    |        1 |           4
     16677 | pg_toast_1260_index             |        1 |           0
      1260 | pg_shadow                       |        1 |           3
     16680 | pg_toast_16408_index            |        1 |           0
     16386 | pg_constraint                   |        1 |          32
      1262 | pg_database                     |        1 |           4
     17042 | TemplateDescriptions            |        1 |          10
     16994 | CreatedClimateModels            |        1 |           9
     16985 | ClimateIndicators               |        1 |          35
 157835892 | pg_toast_157835888_index        |        1 |           0
     16987 | ClimateModels                   |        1 |          10
     16992 | ClimateVariables                |        1 |           7
 157821818 | PK_CurrentClimateXtab2          |        1 |           0
     17020 | GetCurrentClimateParameters     |        1 |           1
     17022 | GetFutureClimateParameters      |        1 |           1
     17024 | GetPointsList                   |        1 |           1
     17028 | Levels                          |        1 |           3
     17030 | Months                          |        1 |          12
     17032 | NeighbourDescription            |        1 |           9
     17038 | ScenarioNames                   |        1 |          18
     17046 | Years                           |        1 |          23
     16681 | pg_user                         |        0 |           0
     16684 | pg_rules                        |        0 |           0
     16688 | pg_views                        |        0 |           0
       376 | pg_xactlock                     |        0 |           0
     16691 | pg_tables                       |        0 |           0
     16694 | pg_indexes                      |        0 |           0
     16698 | pg_stats                        |        0 |           0
     16702 | pg_stat_all_tables              |        0 |           0
     16706 | pg_stat_sys_tables              |        0 |           0
     16709 | pg_stat_user_tables             |        0 |           0
     16712 | pg_statio_all_tables            |        0 |           0
     16716 | pg_statio_sys_tables            |        0 |           0
     16719 | pg_statio_user_tables           |        0 |           0
     16722 | pg_stat_all_indexes             |        0 |           0
     16726 | pg_stat_sys_indexes             |        0 |           0
     16729 | pg_stat_user_indexes            |        0 |           0
     16732 | pg_statio_all_indexes           |        0 |           0
     16736 | pg_statio_sys_indexes           |        0 |           0
     16739 | pg_statio_user_indexes          |        0 |           0
     16742 | pg_statio_all_sequences         |        0 |           0
     16745 | pg_statio_sys_sequences         |        0 |           0
     16748 | pg_statio_user_sequences        |        0 |           0
     16751 | pg_stat_activity                |        0 |           0
     16754 | pg_stat_database                |        0 |           0
     16757 | pg_locks                        |        0 |           0
     16654 | pg_toast_16384                  |        0 |           0
     16760 | pg_settings                     |        0 |           0
     16657 | pg_toast_16386                  |        0 |           0
     16388 | pg_inherits                     |        0 |           0
     16660 | pg_toast_1262                   |        0 |           0
     16663 | pg_toast_16416                  |        0 |           0
     16666 | pg_toast_1261                   |        0 |           0
     16669 | pg_toast_1255                   |        0 |           0
     16404 | pg_largeobject                  |        0 |           0
     16414 | pg_listener                     |        0 |           0
     16675 | pg_toast_1260                   |        0 |           0
     16678 | pg_toast_16408                  |        0 |           0
     16384 | pg_attrdef                      |        0 |           0
 157821864 | aus6mindem                      |        0 |           0
 157821917 | currentmonthr                   |        0 |           0
 157821881 | fixausclimatechange             |        0 |           0
 157821921 | futuremonthr                    |        0 |           0
 157821907 | getcurrent                      |        0 |           0
 157821870 | getcurrentclimate               |        0 |           0
 157821904 | getcurrentclimateforcline       |        0 |           0
 157821896 | getcurrentclimaterestricted     |        0 |           0
 157821910 | getfuture                       |        0 |           0
 157821884 | getfutureausclimate             |        0 |           0
 157821900 | getfutureclimateforcline        |        0 |           0
 157821892 | getfutureclimaterestricted      |        0 |           0
 157821913 | getfuturemonth                  |        0 |           0
 157821867 | listpoints                      |        0 |           0
 157821878 | noausposnum                     |        0 |           0
 157821875 | selectuniqueclimatevalues       |        0 |           0
 157821888 | selectuniquefuturevalues        |        0 |           0
 157821929 | selectuniqueheights             |        0 |           0
 157821925 | sprengeliadata                  |        0 |           0
 157835890 | pg_toast_157835888              |        0 |           0
     16998 | CurrentClimateXtab              |        0 |           0
(235 rows)

\d "getfutureausclimate"

      View "public.getfutureausclimate"
    Column    |       Type       | Modifiers 
 ClimateId    | smallint         | 
 AusPosNumber | integer          | 
 iMonth       | integer          | 
 Longitude    | integer          | 
 Latitude     | integer          | 
 Height       | real             | 
 ClimateValue | smallint         | 
 ScenarioId   | integer          | 
 iYear        | smallint         | 
 LevelId      | integer          | 
 futurevalue  | double precision | 

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "public"."getfutureausclimate" (
SELECT "ClimateVariables"."ClimateId", "Aus40_DEM"."AusPosNumber",
    "CurrentAusClimate"."iMonth", "Aus40_DEM"."Longitude",
    "Aus40_DEM"."Latitude", "Aus40_DEM"."Height",
    ((("CurrentAusClimate"."ClimateValue")::double precision /
    "ClimateVariables"."ClimateDivisor") +
    ("ScenarioEmissionLevels"."TempChange" *
    "ClimateChangeModel40"."ChangePerDegree")) AS futurevalue
FROM ((("CurrentAusClimate" JOIN "ClimateChangeModel40" ON
    (((("CurrentAusClimate"."ClimateId" = "ClimateChangeModel40"."ClimateId")
    AND ("CurrentAusClimate"."AusPosNum" =
    "ClimateChangeModel40"."AusPosNumber")) AND ("CurrentAusClimate"."iMonth"
    "ClimateChangeModel40"."iMonth")))) JOIN ("ClimateVariables" JOIN
    ("ScenarioEmissionLevels" JOIN "GetFutureClimateParameters" ON
    (((("ScenarioEmissionLevels"."iYear" =
    "GetFutureClimateParameters"."iYear") AND
    ("ScenarioEmissionLevels"."LevelId" =
    "GetFutureClimateParameters"."LevelId")) AND
    ("ScenarioEmissionLevels"."ScenarioId" =
    "GetFutureClimateParameters"."ScenarioId")))) ON
    (("ClimateVariables"."ClimateId" =
    "GetFutureClimateParameters"."ClimateId"))) ON
    (("CurrentAusClimate"."ClimateId" = "ClimateVariables"."ClimateId"))) JOIN
    "Aus40_DEM" ON (("ClimateChangeModel40"."AusPosNumber" =
ORDER BY "Aus40_DEM"."AusPosNumber", "CurrentAusClimate"."iMonth";

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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