select advert_id from acr_cache where category_id = ? and region_id = ?
order by XXX {asc|desc} limit 20;

where XXX is one of 5 possible fields,

        Create 5 indexes on ( category_id, region_id, a field )
        where "a field" is one of your 5 fields.

Then write your query as :

select advert_id from acr_cache where category_id = ? and region_id = ?
order by category_id, region_id, XXX limit 20;

select advert_id from acr_cache where category_id = ? and region_id = ?
order by category_id desc, region_id desc, XXX desc limit 20;

This should put your query down to a millisecond. It will use the index for the lookup, the sort and the limit, and hence only retrieve 20 rows for the table. Downside is you have 5 indexes, but that's not so bad.

If your categories and regions form a tree, you should definitely use a ltree datatype, which enables indexed operators like "is contained in" which would probably allow you to reduce the size of your cache table a lot.

we created index on acr_cache (category_id, region_id)
and it works rather well.
if a given "crossing" (category + region) has small amount of ads (less
then 10000) - the query is good enough (up to 300 miliseconds).
but when we enter the crossings which result in 50000 ads - the query
takes up to 10 seconds.
which is almost "forever".

we thought about creating indices like this:
index on acr_cache (effective_date);
where effective_dateis on of the timestamp fields.
it worked well for the crossings with lots of ads, but when we asked for
small crossing (like 1000 ads) it took > 120 seconds!
it appears that postgresql was favorizing this new advert instead of
using much better index on category_id and region_id.

actually - i'm not sure what to do next.
i am even thinkinh about createing special indices (partial) for big
crossings, but that's just weird. plus the fact that already the
acr_cache vacuum time exceeds 3 hours!.

any suggestions?
hardware is dual xeon 3 ghz, 4G ram, hardware scsi raid put into raid 1.
settings in postgresql.conf:
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5800
max_connections = 300
superuser_reserved_connections = 50
shared_buffers = 131072
work_mem = 4096
maintenance_work_mem = 65536
fsync = false
commit_delay = 100
commit_siblings = 5
checkpoint_segments = 10
effective_cache_size = 10000
random_page_cost = 1.1
log_destination = 'stderr'
redirect_stderr = true
log_directory = '/home/pgdba/logs'
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'
log_truncate_on_rotation = false
log_rotation_age = 1440
log_rotation_size = 502400
log_min_duration_statement = -1
log_connections = true
log_duration = true
log_line_prefix = '[%t] [%p] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> '
log_statement = 'all'
stats_start_collector = true
stats_command_string = true
stats_block_level = true
stats_row_level = true
stats_reset_on_server_start = true
lc_messages = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_monetary = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_numeric = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_time = 'en_US.UTF-8'

actual max numer of connection is 120 plus some administrative connections (psql sessions).
postgresql version 8.0.2 on linux debian sarge.

best regards,


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