
At 13:50 27/06/2005, Praveen Raja wrote:
Just to clear things up a bit, the scenario that I'm interested in is a
table with a large number of indexes on it (maybe 7-8).

If you're after performance you'll want to carefully consider which indexes are really useful and/or redesign your schema so that you can have less indexes on that table. 7 or 8 indexes is quite a lot, and that really has a cost.

 In this scenario
other than the overhead of having to maintain the indexes (which I'm
guessing is the same regardless of the size of the table)

Definitely not: indexes grow with the size of the table. Depending on what columns you index (and their types), the indexes may be a fraction of the size of the table, or they may be very close in size (in extreme cases they may even be larger). With 7 or 8 indexes, that can be quite a large volume of data to manipulate, especially if the values of the columns inserted can span the whole range of the index (rather than being solely id- or time-based, for instance, in which case index updates are concentrated in a small area of each of the indexes), as this means you'll need to have a majority of the indexes in RAM if you want to maintain decent performance.

does the size of the table play a role in determining insert performance (and I mean
only insert performance)?

In this case, it's really the indexes that'll cause you trouble, though heavily fragmented tables (due to lots of deletes or updates) will also incur a penalty just for the data part of the inserts.

Also, don't forget the usual hints if you are going to do lots of inserts:
- batch them in large transactions, don't do them one at a time
- better yet, use COPY rather than INSERT
- in some situations, you might be better of dropping the indexes, doing large batch inserts, then re-creating the indexes. YMMV depending on the existing/new ratio, whether you need to maintain indexed access to the tables, etc.
- pay attention to foreign keys


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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