On Jul 14, 2005, at 7:15 PM, John A Meinel wrote:

Is the distribution of your rows uneven? Meaning do you have more rows
with a later id than an earlier one?

There are definitely some id's that will have many times more than the others. If I group and count them, the top 10 are fairly dominant in the table.

Hmm.. How to do it permanantly? Well you could always issue "set
join_collapse set 1; select * from ...."
But obviously that isn't what you prefer. :)

I think there are things you can do to make merge join more expensive
than a nested loop, but I'm not sure what they are.

Maybe someone else has some ideas to encourage this behavior for future work? Setting it on a per-connection basis is doable, but would add some burden to us in code.

What I really don't understand is that the estimates dropped as well.
The actual number of estimate rows drops to 3k instead of > 1M.
The real question is why does the planner think it will be so expensive?

select count(*) from k_b join k_r using (incidentid) where k_b.id=107
and k_r.id=94;

Well, this says that they are indeed much more selective.
Each one has > 1k rows, but together you end up with only 400.

Is this a bad thing? Is this not "selective enough" to make it much faster?

Overall, I'm much happier now after seeing the new plan come about, if I can find a way to make that join_collapse behavior permanent, I can certainly live with these numbers.

Thanks again for your continued efforts.


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