
These sizes would not be considered large. I would leave them
as single tables.


On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 12:08:54PM +0200, Nicolas Beaume wrote:
> Hello
> I have a large database with 4 large tables (each containing at least 
> 200 000 rows, perhaps even 1 or 2 million) and i ask myself if it's 
> better to split them into small tables (e.g tables of 2000 rows) to 
> speed the access and the update of those tables (considering that i will 
> have few update but a lot of reading).
> Do you think it would be efficient ?
> Nicolas, wondering if he hadn't be too greedy
> -- 
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> ? soyez ce que vous voudriez avoir l'air d'?tre ? Lewis Caroll
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