On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 06:42:31PM +0100, Matthew Sackman wrote:
>     "address_pc_top_index" btree (postcode_top)
>     "address_pc_top_middle_bottom_index" btree (postcode_top,
>                              postcode_middle, postcode_bottom)
>     "address_pc_top_middle_index" btree (postcode_top, postcode_middle)

This doesn't address the query performance problem, but isn't only
one of these indexes necessary?  The second one, on all three
columns, because searches involving only postcode_top or only
postcode_top and postcode_middle could use it, making the indexes
on only those columns superfluous.  Or am I missing something?

Michael Fuhr

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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