Franklin Haut wrote:

Yes, my problem is that the pg_dump takes 40 secs to complete under
WinXP and 50 minutes under W2K! The same database, the same hardware!,
only diferrent Operational Systems.

The hardware is: Pentium4 HT 3.2 GHz
   1024 Mb Memory
   HD 120Gb SATA

There have been reports of very slow network performance on Win2k systems with the default configuration. You'll have to check the archives for details I'm afraid. This might apply to you.

If you're happy that doesn't affect you then I'd look at the disk system - perhaps XP has newer drivers than Win2k.

What do the MS performance-charts show is happening? Specifically, CPU and disk I/O.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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