
I see this over and over.  Tweak the parameters to "force" a certain
plan, because there's no formal way for a developer to say, "I know
the best plan."

I think you've misunderstood those conversations entirely.  The point
is not to force the planner into a certain plan, it is to explore what's
going on with a view to understanding why the planner isn't making a
good choice, and thence hopefully improve the planner in future.

No, I understood the conversations very clearly.  But no matter how clever the 
optimizer, it simply can't compete with a developer who has knowledge that 
Postgres *can't* have.  The example of a user-written function is obvious.

There isn't a database in the world that is as smart as a developer,

People who are convinced they are smarter than the machine are often
wrong ;-).

Often, but not always -- as I noted in my original posting.  And when the 
developer is smarter than Postgres, and Postgres makes the wrong choice, what 
is the developer supposed to do?  This isn't academic -- the wrong plans 
Postgres makes can be *catastrophic*, e.g. turning a 3-second query into a 
three-hour query.

How about this: Instead of arguing in the abstract, tell me in concrete terms 
how you would address the very specific example I gave, where myfunc() is a 
user-written function.  To make it a little more challenging, try this: 
myfunc() can behave very differently depending on the parameters, and sometimes 
(but not always), the application knows how it will behave and could suggest a 
good execution plan.

(And before anyone suggests that I rewrite myfunc(), I should explain that it's 
in the class of NP-complete problems.  The function is inherently hard and 
can't be made faster or more predictable.)

The example I raised in a previous thread, of irregular usage, is the same: I have a particular 
query that I *always* want to be fast even if it's only used rarely, but the system swaps its 
tables out of the file-system cache, based on "low usage", even though the "high 
usage" queries are low priority.  How can Postgres know such things when there's no way for me 
to tell it?

The answers from the Postgres community were essentially, "Postgres is smarter than 
you, let it do its job."  Unfortunately, this response completely ignores the 
reality: Postgres is NOT doing its job, and can't, because it doesn't have enough 


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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