Tom Lane wrote:
Alessandro Baretta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I have no clue as to how or why the statistics were wrong
yesterday--as I vacuum-analyzed continuously out of lack of any better
idea--and I was stupid enough to re-timestamp everything before
selecting from pg_stats.

Too bad.  I would be interested to find out how, if the stats were
up-to-date, the thing was still getting the row estimate so wrong.
If you manage to get the database back into its prior state please
do send along the pg_stats info.

I have some more information on this issue, which clears PostgreSQL's planner of all suspects. I am observing severe corruption of the bookkeeping fields managed by the xdbs rule/trigger "complex". I am unable to pinpoint the cause, right now, but the effect is that after running a few hours' test on the end-user application (which never interacts directly with xdbs_* fields, and thus cannot possibly mangle them) most tuples (the older ones, apparently) get thei timestamps set to NULL. Before vacuum-analyzing the table, yesterday's statistics were in effect, and the planner used the appropriate indexes. Now, after vacuum-analyzing the table, the pg_stats row for the xdbs_modified field no longer exists (!), and the planner has reverted to the Nested Loop Seq Scan join strategy. Hence, all the vacuum-analyzing I was doing when complaining against the planner was actually collecting completely screwed statistics, and this is why the ALTER TABLE ... SET STATISTICS 1000 did not help at all!

Ok. I plead guilty and ask for the clemency of the court. I'll pay my debt with society with a long term of pl/pgsql code debugging...


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