When grilled further on (Wed, 11 Jan 2006 07:26:59 -0700),
Robert Creager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> confessed:

> weather-# SELECT *, unmunge_time( time_group ) AS time,
> weather-# EXTRACT( doy FROM unmunge_time( time_group ) )
> weather-# FROM minute."windspeed"
> weather-# JOIN doy_agg ON( EXTRACT( doy FROM unmunge_time( time_group ) ) = 
> doy )
> weather-# WHERE unmunge_time( time_group ) > ( now() - '24 hour'::interval ) 
> weather-# AND doy BETWEEN EXTRACT( doy FROM now() - '24 hour'::interval) 
> weather-#             AND EXTRACT( doy FROM now() )
> weather-# ORDER BY time_group;

The more I think about it, the more I believe PG is missing an opportunity.  
The query is adequately constrained without the BETWEEN clause.  Why doesn't PG 
see that?  I realize I'm a hack and by db organization shows that...

The query is wrong as stated, as it won't work when the interval crosses a year 
boundary, but it's a stop gap for now.


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