On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 08:45, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 05:00:34PM -0600, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> > > last pid:  5788;  load averages:  0.32,  0.31,  0.28                      
> > >                                up 127+15:16:08 13:59:24
> > > 169 processes: 1 running, 168 sleeping
> > > CPU states:  5.4% user,  0.0% nice,  9.9% system,  0.0% interrupt, 84.7% 
> > > idle
> > > Mem: 181M Active, 2632M Inact, 329M Wired, 179M Cache, 199M Buf, 81M Free
> > > Swap: 4096M Total, 216K Used, 4096M Free
> > > 
> > > 14501 pgsql           2   0   254M   242M select 2  76:26  1.95%  1.95% 
> > > postgre
> > >  5720 root           28   0  2164K  1360K CPU0   0   0:00  1.84%  0.88% 
> > > top
> > >  5785 pgsql           2   0   255M 29296K sbwait 0   0:00  3.00%  0.15% 
> > > postgre
> > >  5782 pgsql           2   0   255M 11900K sbwait 0   0:00  3.00%  0.15% 
> > > postgre
> > >  5772 pgsql           2   0   255M 11708K sbwait 2   0:00  1.54%  0.15% 
> > > postgre
> > 
> > That doesn't look good.  Is this machine freshly rebooted, or has it
> > been running postgres for a while?  179M cache and 199M buffer with 2.6
> > gig inactive is horrible for a machine running a 10gig databases.
> No, this is perfectly fine. Inactive memory in FreeBSD isn't the same as
> Free. It's the same as 'active' memory except that it's pages that
> haven't been accessed in X amount of time (between 100 and 200 ms, I
> think). When free memory starts getting low, FBSD will start moving
> pages from the inactive queue to the free queue (possibly resulting in
> writes to disk along the way).
> IIRC, Cache is the directory cache, and Buf is disk buffers, which is
> somewhat akin to shared_buffers in PostgreSQL.

So, then, the inact is pretty much the same as kernel buffers in linux?

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