[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Jojo Paderes") wrote:
> I'd like to know if the latest PostgreSQL release can scale up by
> utilizing multiple cpu or dual core cpu to boost up the sql
> executions.
> I already do a research on the PostgreSQL mailing archives and only
> found old threads dating back 2000. A lot of things have improved with
> PostgreSQL and hopefully the support for multiple cpu or dual cores is
> already provided.

If you submit multiple concurrent queries, they can be concurrently
processed on separate CPUs; that has long been supported, and people
have been using SMP systems to this end for years.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="gmail.com" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
"In other words  -- and this is the rock solid  principle on which the
whole  of the Corporation's  Galaxy-wide success  is founded  -- their
fundamental design  flaws are  completely hidden by  their superficial
design flaws." -- HHGTG

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