> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim C. Nasby
> Subject: Re: [PERFORM] Problem with query, server totally unresponsive
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 01:12:08PM +0100, Bendik Rognlien Johansen
> > Hello, I have a big problem with one of my databases. When i run my
> > query, after a few minutes, the postmaster shows 99% mem i top, and
> > the server becomes totally unresponsive.
> You've got a bunch of sorts going on; could you be pushing the machine
> into swapping?
> > I get this message when I try to cancel the query:
> >
> > server closed the connection unexpectedly
> >         This probably means the server terminated abnormally
> >         before or while processing the request.
> > The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
> Did you send a kill of some kind to the backend?
> > The machine has 2x Intel dual core processors (3GHz) and 2 Gigs of
> Unless I missed some big news recently, no such CPU exists.
> Hyperthreading is absolutely not the same as dual core, and many
> have found that it's best to disable hyperthreading on database

Maybe I'm confused by the marketing, but I think those CPUs do exist.
According to New Egg the Pentium D 830 and the Pentium D 930 both are
dual core Pentiums that run at 3Ghz.  It also specifically says these
processors don't support hyper threading, so I believe they really have
two cores.   Maybe you are thinking he was talking about a 3Ghz Core



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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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