On fim, 2006-04-06 at 12:35 +1000, Brian Herlihy wrote:

> I have a problem with the choice of index made by the query planner.
> My table looks like this:
> (
>   p1 varchar not null,
>   p2 varchar not null,
>   p3 varchar not null,
>   i1 integer,
>   i2 integer,
>   i3 integer,
>   i4 integer,
>   i5 integer,
>   d1 date,
>   d2 date,
>   d3 date,
>   PRIMARY KEY (p1, p2, p3)
> );
> I have also created an index on (p2, p3), as some of my lookups are on these
> only.

> All the integers and dates are data values.
> The table has around 9 million rows.
> I am using postgresl 7.4.7
> I have set statistics to 1000 on the p1, p2 and p3 columns, and run vacuum 
> full
> analyse.  However, I still see
> query plans like this:
> db=# explain select * from t where p2 = 'fairly_common' and p3 =
> 'fairly_common';                                                              
> QUERY PLAN          
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Index Scan using p2p3 on t  (cost=0.00..6.01 rows=1 width=102)
>    Index Cond: (((p2)::text = 'fairly_common'::text) AND ((p3)::text =
> 'fairly_common'::text))
> (3 rows)

please show us an actual EXPLAIN ANALYZE
this will show us more.

> I would like the query planner to use the primary key for all of these 
> lookups.
>  How can I enforce this?

How would that help? have you tested to see if it would 
actualy be better?


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