Merlin Moncure wrote:
> On 4/11/06, Simon Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to evaluate PostgreSQL as a database that will have to store a
> > high volume of data and access that data frequently. One of the features on
> > our wish list is to be able to use stored procedures to access the data and
> > I was wondering if it is usual for stored procedures to perform slower on
> > PostgreSQL than raw SQL?
> pl/pgsql procedures are a very thin layer over the query engine. 
> Generally, they run about the same speed as SQL but you are not making
> apples to apples comparison.  One of the few but annoying limitations
> of pl/pgsql procedures is that you can't return a select directly from
> the query engine but have to go through the return/return next
> paradigm which will be slower than raw query for obvious reasons.

There's one problem that hasn't been mentioned.  For the optimizer a
PL/pgSQL function (really, a function in any language except SQL) is a
black box.  If you have a complex join of two or three functions, and
they don't return 1000 rows, it's very likely that the optimizer is
going to get it wrong.

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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