Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> David Boreham wrote:
> > 
> >> Actually, that was from an article from this last month that compared
> >> the dual core intel to the amd.  for every dollar spent on the intel,
> >> you got about half the performance of the amd.  Not bigotry.  fact.
> >>
> >> But don't believe me or the other people who've seen the difference.  Go
> >> buy the Intel box.  No skin off my back.
> >>   
> > I've been doing plenty of performance evaluation on a parallel application
> > we're developing here : on Dual Core Opterons, P4, P4D. I can say that
> > the Opterons open up a can of wupass on the Intel processors. Almost 2x
> > the performance on our application vs. what the SpecCPU numbers would
> > suggest.
> Because Stone Cold Said So!

I'll believe someone who uses 'wupass' in a sentence any day!

  Bruce Momjian

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

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