Andrew Sullivan wrote:
On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 01:54:08PM +0200, Antoine wrote:
We just don't seem to be getting much benefit from autovacuum. Running
a manual vacuum seems to still be doing a LOT, which suggests to me
that I should either run a cron job and disable autovacuum, or just
run a cron job on top of autovacuum.

Don't know if this was covered in an earlier thread. Bear with me if so.

I'm working with 7.4.8 and 8.0.3 systems, and pg_autovacuum does have some glitches ... in part solved by the integrated autovac in 8.1:

- in our env, clients occasionally hit max_connections. This is a known and (sort of) desired pushback on load. However, that sometimes knocks pg_autovacuum out.

- db server goes down for any reason: same problem.

Just restarting pg_autovacuum is not good enough; when pg_autovacuum terminates, it loses its state, so big tables that change less than 50% between such terminations may never get vacuumed (!)

For that reason, it's taken a switch to a Perl script run from cron every 5 minutes, that persists state in a table. The script is not a plug-compatible match for pg_autovacuum (hardcoded rates; hardcoded distinction between user and system tables), but you may find it useful.

Engineers think that equations approximate reality.
Physicists think that reality approximates the equations.
Mathematicians never make the connection.
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use DBI;
use POSIX               qw(strftime);

# Hardcoded (aggressive) autovacuum parameters:
my ($VAC_BASE, $VAC_RATE)  = (1000, 0.8);
my ($ANA_BASE, $ANA_RATE)  = ( 500, 0.4);

my $start = time;
my $stamp = strftime "==== %FT%T autovac: ", localtime;

open STDERR, ">&STDOUT"; # Redirect PG "VERBOSE" output.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg(PrintError=1,RaiseError=1):");

# REVISIT: move this to schema:

my $oid = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(<<"__SQL__")->[0][0];
    SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'autovac_state';

$dbh->do(<<"__SQL__") if !defined $oid;
    CREATE TABLE public.autovac_state(
        relid           oid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
        name            text NOT NULL,
        analyze_time    timestamptz,
        vacuum_time     timestamptz,
        analyze_tups bigint, -- (n_tup_ins+n_tup_upd+n_tup_del) at last ANALYZE
        vacuum_tups  bigint  -- (n_tup_upd+n_tup_del) at last VACUUM

# Calculate updates/additions to autovac_state:

my $anavac = join ";", map {$_->[0]} @{$dbh->selectall_arrayref(<<"__SQL__")};

    SELECT * INTO TEMP new_state FROM (
                relid,      -- identify tables by ID, so that (re)created 
tables always
                            --      are treated as fresh tables.
                name,       -- for constructing the vacuum/analyze command
                old_relid,  -- NULL means this will need a new state table entry
                analyze_tups,-- _tups are used to update autovac_state

                CASE WHEN analyze_tups - prev_analyze_tups NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 
                        OR old_relid IS NULL
                    THEN now()
                END AS analyze_time,

                CASE WHEN vacuum_tups - prev_vacuum_tups NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 
                    THEN now()
                END AS vacuum_time

        FROM (
            SELECT  N.nspname || '.' || C.relname               AS name,
                    A.relid                                     AS old_relid, 
                    C.oid                                       AS relid, 
                    S.n_tup_ins + S.n_tup_upd + S.n_tup_del     AS analyze_tups,
                    S.n_tup_upd + S.n_tup_del                   AS vacuum_tups,
                    COALESCE(A.analyze_tups,0)                  AS 
                    COALESCE(A.vacuum_tups,0)                   AS 
                    CASE WHEN nspname ~ '^pg_' THEN 1.0 ELSE $ANA_RATE END 
                        * C.reltuples + $ANA_BASE               AS 
                    CASE WHEN nspname ~ '^pg_' THEN 2.0 ELSE $VAC_RATE END
                        * C.reltuples + $VAC_BASE               AS vacuum_point
            FROM    pg_class                AS C
            JOIN    pg_namespace            AS N ON N.oid = C.relnamespace
            JOIN    pg_stat_all_tables      AS S ON S.relid = C.oid
            LEFT JOIN autovac_state         AS A ON A.relid = S.relid
            WHERE   N.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_temp%'
        ) AS X
    ) AS X
    WHERE   analyze_time IS NOT NULL OR vacuum_time IS NOT NULL;

                THEN 'VACUUM ANALYZE $VERBOSE ' || name
                ELSE 'ANALYZE $VERBOSE ' || name 
    FROM new_state;

if ($anavac) {
    print STDERR $stamp."start\n";



        UPDATE  autovac_state
        SET     analyze_tups = N.analyze_tups,
                vacuum_tups     = CASE WHEN N.vacuum_time IS NULL
                                       THEN autovac_state.vacuum_tups
                                       ELSE N.vacuum_tups
                analyze_time    = COALESCE(N.analyze_time, 
                vacuum_time     = COALESCE(N.vacuum_time, 
        FROM    new_state AS N
        WHERE   N.relid = autovac_state.relid;

        INSERT INTO autovac_state
        SELECT  relid, name, analyze_time, vacuum_time, analyze_tups, 
        FROM    new_state 
        WHERE   old_relid IS NULL;

        DELETE FROM autovac_state
        WHERE   analyze_time < now() - '1 day'::INTERVAL
        AND     relid NOT IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_class);

    print STDERR $stamp.(time - $start)." secs\n";

$dbh->do("DROP TABLE new_state");



autovac - autovacuum with persistent state.


C<autovac> is a replacement for C<pg_autovacuum>.
C<autovac> does a single C<pg_autovacuum> step, then saves its state in
the C<public.autovac_state> table. It should be run from cron, say,
every 5 minutes.

C<autovac> runs more aggressively for user tables
(pg_autovacuum -V 0.8 -v 1000) than for system tables.

When pg_stats_user_tables.(ins/upd/del) counts have been zeroed, 
C<autovac> vacuums all tables.

To check when C<autovac> last analyzed/vacuumed a given table:

    SELECT vacuum_time, analyze_time FROM autovac_state
    WHERE name = 'public.message'

=head1 OUTPUT

If any action is taken, C<autovac> prints:

    ==== yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss autovac start
    ... VACUUM/ANALYZE VERBOSE output ...
    ==== yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss autovac <n> secs


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