> both of the two database are live but use for two different web app.
> my company don't want to spend more to buy a new server, so then I think of
> to implement both under the same server and one instance..
> but then my superior don't want to do that way.
>  they want to implement two databases in one server but if one of the
> database down it will not affect the other, so that's why I need to have
> two instances.

We are currently running your suggestion (two instances of PG) in a
production server, with no obvious problems attributable to the setup
(we have seen some performance problems with one system, but those are
likely caused by bad db/application design).

In our case the two systems are running different minor versions
(although we are planning to migrate them both to the latest 7.4.x).


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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