Hi, Gregory,

Gregory S. Williamson wrote:
> A sodden late night idea ... schemas don't need to have names that
> are meaningful to outsiders.

Yes, but having schema names like A34FZ37 not only qualifies for
thedailywtf.com, but also tends to produce maintainance nightmares.

And it still allows the customer to estimate the amount of customers.

> Still, the point about "political" aspects is an important one. OTH,
> schemas provide an elegant way of segregating data.

Yes, they do, and in the ASP case (where we have control over all
software that connects to PostgreSQL) we use the one schema per customer
paradigm quite successfully.

> My $0.02 (not worth what it was)

Oh, I think the're at least $0.03 cents worth. :-)

Markus Schaber | Logical Tracking&Tracing International AG
Dipl. Inf.     | Software Development GIS

Fight against software patents in EU! www.ffii.org www.nosoftwarepatents.org

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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